Aug 072011

minitube Minitube è una applicazione per guardare i film su YouTube senza usare Flash o il browser, ne ho parlato in un articolo precedente.

Ma da qualche tempo ci sono dei problemi e l’applicazione non è stata più in grado di caricare correttamente il video youtube (questo è vero con la versione 1.4.3 da circa un mese).

Flavio ha rilasciato il 5 di agosto una nuova release, la 1.5 che risolve questo problema

Eccomi qui con una nuova release che risolve il problema e aggiunge alcune caratteristiche. Grazie a Mike Holenderski per avermi inviato i dettagli relativi alle modifiche di YouTube che hanno fatto smetetre di funzionare Minitube. Oltre a guardare i video di nuovo, è ora possibile fare drag’n’drop dei link di YouTube dal proprio browser alla finestra Minitube. Inoltre, Minitube ora è più tollerante su quali URL sono effettivamente URL di YouTube.


I binari di Minitube 1.5 possono essere scaricati dalla pagina ufficiale
O se si sta utilizzando Ubuntu (10.04-11.04) si può usare un PPA mantenuto da Roberto Ferramosca (dal famoso sito italiano: http://www . / ).

Per utilizzarlo è sufficiente aprire il teminal e scrivere

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ferramroberto/minitube
sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude upgrade (if you already had minitube)
sudo aptitude install minitube (to install it)

Buon divertimento con questa nuova release di Minitube, una delle mie applicazioni desktop preferito.

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  8 Responses to “Minitube 1.5 in soccorso”

  1. Thanks for this how-to on installing / upgrading minitube!

  2. Ubuntu 10.04. It does very nicely.
    My only problem is the colors are washed out.
    Is there a way to better render the colors?


    • Ubuntu 10.04. It does very nicely.

      My only problem is the colors are washed out.

      When a video is playing. The images on the far left
      all the way down screen shows correctly.

      Is there a way to better render the colors?


      • On ubuntu 11.04 I’ve no problem with Minitube.
        if you run it starting from a terminal (open a terminal and write minitube) do yuo see some error ?

        • 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)

          bill@bill-oldcity:~$ minitube
          GET “”
          “1.5” “1.5”

          Did video for compiz ubuntu 10.04. Its first screen could
          have been more crisp. Then when the “Compiz action” started
          the new moving images were washed out.
          I did a second session of the above with the same results.
          When I ended the session and returned to the terminal I had
          the following. Hope this helps.

          bill@bill-oldcity:~$ minitube
          GET “”
          “1.5” “1.5”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          Found format 18
          GET “”
          GET “”
          Playing “/tmp/minitube-bill.mp4”
          Phonon error: “Could not open media source.” 2
          Playing “/tmp/minitube-bill.mp4”
          Network error: “Operation canceled” 5
          “Operation canceled”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          Found format 18
          GET “”
          GET “”
          Found format 18
          GET “”
          Playing “/tmp/minitube-bill.mp4”
          Network error: “Operation canceled” 5
          “Operation canceled”
          bill@bill-oldcity:~$ minitube
          GET “”
          QAbstractItemModel::endInsertRows: Invalid index ( 1 , 0 ) in model ListModel(0x9a4a8d0)
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          GET “”
          Found format 18
          GET “”
          GET “”
          Found format 18
          GET “”
          Playing “/tmp/minitube-bill.mp4”
          Network error: “Operation canceled” 5
          “Operation canceled”

          • The only thing that come to my mind it’s some incompatibility between Compiz and Minitube, on XFCE (without compiz or any effect) it’s perfect.
            Have you tried to disable Comiz 8just to make a test) ?

  3. I think it is my desktop machine that is the problem.
    I installed Minitube on my laptop and it runs
    I do have Compiz on the machine but it has not
    been enabled for more than a year.
    I had selected a Compiz video from Youtube and it
    ran normally. As previously indicated when the
    same program was viewed on Minitube the video
    images were washed out.
    Today I searched Youtube “how to fix flush valve”.
    I selected the first item “how to fix a toilet –
    flush valve replacement – part 1 of 2” a 2:53 min
    I ran the video from Youtube and it ran normally.
    As previously indicated when the same program was
    viewed on Minitube the video images were washed out.

    bill@bill-oldcity:~$ minitube
    GET “”
    GET “”
    QAbstractItemModel::endInsertRows: Invalid index ( 1 , 0 ) in model ListModel(0x99687f8)
    GET “”
    GET “”
    GET “”
    GET “”
    GET “”
    GET “”
    GET “”
    GET “”
    GET “”
    GET “”
    GET “”
    Found format 18
    GET “”
    Network error: “Operation canceled” 5
    “Operation canceled”
    Request finished but never started saving
    GET “”
    Found format 18
    GET “”
    GET “”
    Found format 18
    GET “”
    GET “”
    Found format 18
    GET “”
    Playing “/tmp/minitube-bill.mp4”
    GET “”
    Found format 18
    GET “”
    Playing “/tmp/minitube-bill.mp4”
    GET “”
    GET “”
    GET “”
    Network error: “Operation canceled” 5
    “Operation canceled”

  4. Nice application to watch video in a different way. thanks for update info. Its working very fine here.

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