Aug 182011

deadcyborg_shot_01 DeadCyborg it’s a free, donation based hard-sci-fi adventure game for Windows, Mac and Linux.

The plot:

You are a human being who has waken up in a cryotank… you have no memories, but you find some messages from the past… from yourself…
You don’t feel good… maybe this is a radioactive and toxic place … you may not have much time… You find some stupid robots… with strange answers to your questions.

The game is a donateware with the following episodes only released if enough funding is made, so if you download this game and enjoy it please show your support.

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Aug 122011

defragSometimes it happen that people that I’ve brought on the “Linux side” of the operating systems ask me, “Which antivirus should i use ?” or “should i defrag my disk ?”
This is one of the most complete answer I’ve found to the second question, source Ubuntu Forum

I’d actually strongly suggest not defraging … the reason behind this? Even on windows most defraggers have 2 options, 1 Defragment, 2 Compact … sometimes called something different, but the end result’s the same.

The “defragment” is supposed to make all files into contiguous blocks. The “compact” is supposed to defragment and make the free space into a contiguous block. Now while this sounds nice, the reality is quite different:
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Aug 072011

minitubeMinitube it’s an application to watch youtube movie without using Flash or your browser, i’ve talked about it in a former article.

But from some time there were problems and the app was not able anymore to load properly the youtube video (this was with version 1.4.3 from around 1 month ago).

Flavio released on 5 of august a new release, the 1.5 that fixed this problem

Here I am with a new release that fixes the problem and adds a few features. Thanks to Mike Holenderski for emailing me details about the YouTube changes that broke Minitube. Besides watching videos again, you can now drag’n’drop YouTube links from your browser to the Minitube window. Also, Minitube is now more tolerant about which URLs are actually YouTube URLs.

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