Sep 202012

It’s that time again Humble Indie Bundle (HIB) number six is been released  this is the list of games that you’ll find this time: Torchlight, Shatter, Rochard, Vessel, and Space Pirates and Zombies. If you choose to pay more than the average price, you will also receive Dustforce!

What’s is HIB ? in short:

The Humble Indie Bundles or Humble Bundles are a series of game bundles that are sold and distributed online at a price determined by the purchaser. The games are multi-platform, DRM-free, and independently developed, and buyers can set the revenue split between the developers, charities and humble bundle organizers.

Thanks Wikipedia.

You have time for another 12 days before  this offer runs out, but let’s take a quick look at these 6 games
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Sep 152012

Techies and gamers seem to always be faced an unfortunate lack of video games available for the Linux operating system. While many techie gamers would prefer to move to a cleaner, leaner Linux environment, the Microsoft world it seems has held the monopoly when it comes to supporting great computer games. While Apple has made great strides toward supporting a wider variety of games, Linux clearly trails behind the big commercial operating systems in game support.

To help alleviate this unfortunate situation Linux aficionados find themselves in, here is a list of the top ten Linux games released or updated in 2012

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Sep 032012
           ______  _     _  ______   _______  ______   _______  _  _  _
          / _____)(_)   (_)(_____ \ (_______)(_____ \ (_______)(_)(_)(_)
         ( (____   _     _  _____) ) _____    _____) ) _______  _  _  _
          \____ \ | |   | ||  __  / |  ___)  |  __  / |  ___  || || || |
          _____) )| |___| || |  \ \ | |      | |  \ \ | |   | || || || |
         (______/  \_____/ |_|   |_||_|      |_|   |_||_|   |_| \_____/
         Surfraw - Shell Users' Revolutionary Front Rage Against the Web

Surfraw stand for: Shell Users’ Revolutionary Front Rage Against the Web and is a funny way to query Search engines and other services on the net from the terminal; well, is funny for people who think that working on the CLI is funny ;), ah and have I told you that Surfraw was originally written by Julian Assange ? yes that one, so it must be a good tools to get information from the net…
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Aug 262012

This is a genre I like and usually I play this kind of games in their flash/java online version but there are some nice Tower Defense games that can be downloaded and installed on Linux systems, today I’ll present you 3 of my favorites: Creeptd, Target Defense and Revenge of the Titans

But first a small introduction to what’s a Tower defense game:

The goal of tower defense games is to try to stop enemies from crossing a map by building towers which shoot at them as they pass. Enemies and towers usually have varied abilities, costs, and ability costs. When an enemy is defeated, the player earns money or points, which are used to buy or upgrade towers, or upgrade the number of money or points that are earned, or even upgrade the rate at which they upgrade.

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Aug 122012

Ubuntu software repository is one of the bigger, and this means that you can easily install a lot of software with the Ubuntu Software Center or from the command line with a simple sudo apt-get install softwarename, but sometimes you want a software that is not present or perhaps a newer release of the one available in the main repository, in this cases you can use a PPA.

A Personal Package Archive (PPA) is a special software repository for uploading source packages to be built and published as an APT repository by Launchpad or a similar application, once is published anyone can use it and install software from there, just keep in mind that once that you add a PPA you “trust” the software published from that source, so add PPA only when really needed and only from known and safe sources.

Y PPA Manager is a software that can help you in manage,add,remove and search easily PPA in your Ubuntu.
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