May 012012

It’s useful sometime to convert some type of audio files in another, and perhaps you don’t want to search for the correct command to use from the terminal, don’t worry there is a small and nice application that can do this for you: soundconverter

SoundConverter is an audio file converter for the GNOME Desktop. It reads anything GStreamer can read (Ogg Vorbis, AAC, MP3, FLAC, WAV, AVI, MPEG, MOV, M4A, AC3, DTS, ALAC, MPC, Shorten, APE, SID, MOD, XM, S3M, etc…), and writes to WAV, FLAC, MP3, AAC, and Ogg Vorbis files.

More than enough for my standard tasks.

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Apr 272012

Thank to Gabriele, who in addition to the time he spends for his UbuBox SalentOS he finds and post also some great tools for Linux on his blog Gmstyle .

Today we’ll take a look at Silicon Empire a software that can help us in all our Burning operations.
Silicon Empire is set of tools to Burn, Copy, Backup, Manage and … your optical discs like CDs, DVDs and Blu-Ray.
Silicon Empire is released under GPL and LGPL License version 3 and is available for Linux,Windows and Mac.

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Apr 252012

In general a file manager is a program that gives some kind of interface to the file system and that show in a graphical or textual way the files and directory, usually a file manager allow to do some standard operations such as delete, rename copy/paste and other typical operations that you can do on files.

Twin-panel file managers have obligatory connected panels where action in one panel results in a reaction in the second. So for example you could move a file from the first to the second panel, or copy it. In this roundup I‘ll show you some of the most used Twin-panel file manager available on Linux, sometimes they are also called Orthodox file managers or command-based file managers and in general they have three windows (two panels and one command line window).

Note: Konqueror supports multiple panels divided horizontally, vertically or both, but these panels do not act as twin panels by default (the user has to mark the panels he wants to act as twin-panels), so I’ll not put it in this article.

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Apr 212012

Thanks to Edmond, i’ve found a new and interesting online service allows you to record something interesting from your terminal and share it to your followers.

It is almost the same thing as YouTube but for plain text shellcasts. You can copy and paste everything you see.
The nice thing is that you can play the shellcasts back directly on your terminal or in a browser from their website, and when uploading them you can decide to make them public or private. Continue reading »

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Apr 202012

Usually I’m not so precise and methodical and so I’ve never used a program of this type to keep track of my expenses, but the other day I wondered if Linux had some software in this category, and I was amazed by the variety and quality of software available for our beloved Penguin.

So here’s a roundup of the software in this category.
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