I’ve received some information from Jean-Michel regarding DoudouLinux a project he’s leading, you can read an interview with him and more info on Doudou in a former article.
I’ve browsed a bit their site and i’ve also noticed a new and better graphic and much more info on how to setup and use this distribution, but now these are the information i got from Jean-Michel:
You probably know that my project DoudouLinux is still alive and, much more than that, really active! Indeed we have just released our first version officially tagged as stable (not that previous ones were instable 😉 ).
Its name is DoudouLinux 1.0 Gondwana and it is available in 15 officially supported languages, using 5 different alphabets.
As you proposed me months ago to tell you about our achievements, I’m back to explain what we did. Of course I’d be very glad if you take some time to tell the world about the evolution of our project. Please note that we now have 3 Italian contributors and I’m pleased to announce that you can already browse several Italian pages on our website :):
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