Apr 172011

knockdToday, i’ll show you how to use knockd to improve the security of your linux server, the more common use that i’ve saw so far is: “i’d like to connect on port 22 (ssh) but i don’t want to leave to port open for everyone..and i’ve a dynamic IP”. In these cases you can close the ports and use knockd to knock on the ports of your Linux box and let you in.
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Apr 152011

nagiosqlNagiosQL is a web based administration tool for Nagios 2.x, 3.x and Icinga 1.x. It helps you to easily build a complex configuration with all options, manage and use them. NagiosQL is based on a webserver with PHP, MySQL and local file or remote access to the Nagios configuration files via ssh or ftp.

The product relies on a Mysql DB which keep all the configurations for Nagios, there is also the option “dump to disk” which writes all configuration files of Nagios, you can also import from Nagios configuration text files to the database.

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Apr 142011

zombieEveryone loves the invasion of zombies, and everyone loves linux, and so what can be born from the union of these two elements?
5 great games of course !

The games that i’ll show to you in this article are: Atom zombie smasher, violetland, Ultimate Zombie Fighters, project zomboid and Zombpocalypse, have a good day with them ! Continue reading »

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Apr 122011

humble_bundle_FrozenI’ve talked of the Humble Bundle 2 in this post, and now you have around 14 days to  buy 5 good games and choose the price you want to pay for them, this seem  too good to be true?

Then I add also that you can decide whether, and to what percentage, allocate part of the sum for the charity in two associations.

Yes The Humble Frozenbyte Bundle is arrived !
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Apr 112011

sorryToday i got another 4 hours of down of the site.
When i logged into my hosting site i found that my homedir was empty and when i requested some informations at the support i got:

“We have checked your issue and found that you have deleted all main dirs(public_html,etc) thats why your site is not working.

We need to reset your account and then you need to start from scratch.”

So my hosting say that’s i’ve deleted everything and than i forgot everything about this…. sure.

I think it’s pointless to spend time with the support trying to understand what really happened, perhaps it’s not even their fault and so i’ve spent the last 3 hours in recovery the site from a backup (luckily i’m used to do this at least once at week).

So sorry for this further down of the site, i’m already searching for a new hosting company and i promise that i’ll not delete again all my files in my homedir in the future.

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