Jun 252012

As the open source community continues to grow and thrive through the popularity of such enterprise ready platforms as Red Hat, the number of open source medical applications also grows with it. The truth is, medical software is expensive. Most health care providers – doctors, hospitals, dentists, independent clinics – have been under a lot of pressure to maintain or reduce run costs while at the same time continuing to provide the quality patient care and customer service expected of the medical care industry. In an effort to control these costs, many health care organizations are looking toward open source software to help them manage their complex billing and electronic medical records. This is an especially hot topic with the United States government mandating that health care providers move from a paper based system to a primary electronic medical record system over the next two years, complete with short term financial incentives in the form of government refunds for early compliance and hefty fines for late adopters.

With that said, here is a list of some of the top open source billing and EMR software available right now.

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Jun 222012

Image from http://www.linuxatemyram.com/

I think that is a common question for every Linux user soon or later in their career of desktop or server administrator “Why Linux uses all my Ram while not doing much ?”. To this one today I’ve add another question that I’m sure is common for many Linux system administrator “Why the command free show swap used and I’ve so much free Ram ?”, so from my study of today on SwapCached i present to you some useful, or at least i hope so, information on the management of memory in a Linux system.

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Jun 202012

Article by Giuseppe Sanna

How many times one of your friend has called you to his home to complain about a problem with the PC? What to do there then? If he’s a friend we try to give him a hand. So we improvise as computer technicians. I can only give you a hand improvising, in turn, I’ll give you a list of things to have with you when you go to their home.
I focused the article, as you can see from the title, mostly on the Live Distro. Why this choice? Simply because if the PC does not want to start after a corruption of the Operating System what remains to do is only one thing! Format all. So we must first find a way to recover the data from the PC that not start.

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Jun 192012

I think that every user that has some skill know that a simple rm of a file or deleting it via any file manager is not enough to really remove it from your hard disk.

In Linux there are some tools that can offer you way more secure to really delete your files: DBAN if you need to erase completely a hard disk o partition or if you just have to delete some files you can use Shred or Wipe
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Jun 182012

A lot of people use cloud storage systems like Dropbox, Spideroak or Ubuntu One, these software allow you to store your files on a remote server (on the clouds) and be able to access them on all your devices: computers with Linux,mac or Windows and also from tablets and smarthphones.
But it wouldn’t better to manage yourself your own storage system ?

This could be really useful for small and large company to setup their own storage with their security policy and permission systems, or also for people that want to have the full control on their files.

So today we’ll take a look at owncloud, this is a software suite that provides a location-independent storage area for data (cloud storage). The project was launched in January 2010 from KDE developer Frank Karlitschek to create a free alternative to commercial cloud providers.

The project is based on PHP and a SQLite, MySQL or PostgreSQL database, so ownCloud can run on all platforms that meet these requirements.
The software is releasead with AGPLv3 license.
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