May 172012

I’m glad to offer to my reader a special offer if they plan to attend the next Velocity Conference by O’Reilly, register at this conference with the promotional code VL12AFF5 and you’ll get a 20% discount on Conference Fees.

When and Where ? June 25-27, 2012 at the Santa Clara CA, Convention Center.

What’s this conference about ? From their official site:

The only things expanding faster than new techniques and technologies to build a faster, stronger web are the expectations of web and mobile users.

To succeed in this ever-shifting, increasingly complex domain, you need to master a daunting array of web performance, operations, and mobile performance issues. Speed or reliability is no longer an option; both are assumed. Your pages and services must be fast, reliable, secure, and unbreakable. Your infrastructure must be efficiently scalable. Massive amounts of data must be captured and stored, and it all must work efficiently, reliably, and elegantly on an ever-expanding array of devices.

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May 162012

Varnish is a great tool that accelerates the performance of your site with a simple configuration and a low usage of resources, compared to the result you’ll get. Just because Varnish is designed and engineered to be fast by default it does not write any log to disk, outrageous you could think … to be honest the logs are available in a memory segment when this memory is filled, Varnish starts from the beginning and overwrites the oldest data in an infinite loop.

So in reality there are logs and they are available for some time, and this solution is much, much faster then logging to a file and it doesn’t require disk space, but how we can get them on file, possibly divided by virtual host as do Apache or Nginx ?
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May 152012

Have you heard about the contest which is currently running for all the Linux lovers, especially for fans of Zorin OS?

If you have not heard of it, then you have missed a lot.

Zorin OS team, Linuxaria and Linux notes from DarkDuck are giving prizes for the best Linux- or ZorinOS-related stories.

The contest was announced on the 6th of May and was planned to run for 2 weeks.

I am happy to announce that the contest has been extended to 1 months for the many submissions we are receiving.

You can submit your stories until the 6th of June, and organizers will decided who gets the prizes on the 8th of June.

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May 142012

Credit cards, SIM cards, social networking sites and forums are just some of the many services that can give us trouble. That’s right … Each of these, now, requires passwords and codes that you must keep secrets. I can not remember everything for sure! The only solutions are the ones that we all know. Use a general password? too risky! An intuitive and memorable password? Unfortunately also too risky! Also writing them all in some paper is not a good idea … In fact, in addition to being found by others it could even be missed by us! So … what a beautiful mess!
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May 132012

Even this year I was in Bolzano (Italy) for the annual conference organized by Wuerth-Phoenix on Monitoring with Open Source products.

I found the conference very interesting, with speakers from around the world that have described several open source products and best practices on monitoring but also on configuration and management tools. A big surprise for me has been the strong push for alternatives softwares to Nagios for monitoring in particular Shinken and Icinga have received many praise.

But before I give some more details about the presentations a few words about the company that has hosted about 400 people in their, free of charge, event, Wuerth-Phoenix manufactures and markets an appliance called NetEye, within there are many Open source products including:

Nagios Core, with many preinstalled plugins, Cacti, ocsinventory, GLPI, NfSen, Nedi, and DocuWiki the highest level version has also OTRS, all these software are integrated with some web management interface developed by Wuerth-Phoenix itself. Continue reading »

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