Apr 212012

Thanks to Edmond, i’ve found a new and interesting online service shelr.tv.
Shelr.tv allows you to record something interesting from your terminal and share it to your followers.

It is almost the same thing as YouTube but for plain text shellcasts. You can copy and paste everything you see.
The nice thing is that you can play the shellcasts back directly on your terminal or in a browser from their website, and when uploading them you can decide to make them public or private. Continue reading »

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Apr 202012

Usually I’m not so precise and methodical and so I’ve never used a program of this type to keep track of my expenses, but the other day I wondered if Linux had some software in this category, and I was amazed by the variety and quality of software available for our beloved Penguin.

So here’s a roundup of the software in this category.
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Apr 172012

In my work I’ve not used “Expect” many times, but to do some jobs I’ve learnt how to use it, and I must say that to complete some tasks this program can help a lot and be a valid alternative to more complex solutions, like a complete program in python, php or your favorite scripting program.

But first a description of expect taken from his man page:

Expect is a program that “talks” to other interactive programs according to a script. Following the script, Expect knows what can be expected from a program and what the correct response should be. An interpreted language provides branching and high-level control structures to direct the dialogue. In addition, the user can take control and interact directly when desired, afterward returning control to the script.

In this article I’ll show you 2 examples on how to use it, to connect to a remote server via ssh and issue a command, to change the password of a user with the command passwd.

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Apr 152012

Monitoring how much bandwidth is used is a fundamental task to check the status of your servers, or just your desktop, so i always test new tools to see if i find something good. This is the third article of this series and in this one i’ll take a look at Bmon, speedometer and Nload.

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Apr 142012


In the Indie game “The Great Jitters Pudding Panic“, done by the German developers kunst-stoff, you are a Green pudding and your goal is to exit from an haunted house without fainting from fear, while at the same time trying to scare the monsters in the maze.

It’s an uncommon subject for sure for an action puzzle game, but the game will take you from the start with his great graphics and smart puzzle, let’s see some details on this funny game. Continue reading »

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