Dec 032011

Dungeons-of-DredmorThanks to the Humble Bundle i’ve discovered also this nice game: Dungeons of Dredmor.
It’s a classic Rogue-like game, you have to move your hero in 10 level of dungeons where you’ll fight against terrible monsters, to get new equipment, skills and fight the big bad Evil guy, from the official site:

Long ago, the Dark Lord Dredmor was bound in the darkest dungeons beneath the earth by great and mighty heroes. Centuries later, the magical bonds that hold him in place are loosening and his power grows ever stronger. The land cries out for a new hero, a powerful warrior or a mystic wizard like those spoken of in the prophecies of yore.

What they have, unfortunately, is you…

Nothing new on the story side, what make Dungeons of Dredmor so appealing it’s it’s comic style and the humour that the authors have used in the whole game.
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Dec 022011

This is my second article on this topic, Asset management with opensource tools.
In the first article i’ve published information about OcsInventory NG, a mature French project that recently has released his 2.0 release.

Today we’ll take a look at Fusion Inventory, another French project that has exactly the same goals, but that’s much more recent.

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Dec 012011
English: This is a logo for Upstart.

Image via Wikipedia

We are in December and for this month i suggest to keep an eye on the site:

This site it’s a sysadmin relative of the Perl Advent Calendar: One article for each day of December, ending on the 25th article. With the goals of of sharing, openness, and mentoring, the authors aim to provide great articles about systems administration topics written by fellow sysadmins.

Today i present to you one of their articles of the last year

This article was written by Jordan Sissel (@jordansissel)

In past sysadvents, I’ve talked about babysitting services and showed how to use supervisord to achieve it. This year, Ubuntu started shipping its release with a new init system called Upstart that has babysitting built in, so let’s talk about that. I’ll be doing all of these examples on Ubuntu 10.04, but any upstart-using system should work.
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Nov 302011

Frank Harris-Smith

As recent as the last 2 years I’ve noticed that the formerly Microsoft dominated PC world seems to be taking Linux more serious. Since Dell took that first pioneer foray into shipping systems with Linux pre-installed in 2008, other manufacturers have stopped ignoring the Linux world by writing drivers for Linux and porting their software for Linux.

I make some of my income through an on-line outsourcing agency called oDesk. When I first heard about the agency I looked it over critically and was struck by the serious business professionalism of the site.
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Nov 282011

I hope this brief guide will be useful to others as it has been helpful to me, I found it on Lilis a site where there are useful guides published by Linux enthusiasts.

Mini guide to clone 2 PC without any special tools.
With two Linux livecd, can be anything you like the only requirement is the support to the network, you can proceed using the command “dd” and transferring the data over the network with the comand “netcat“.
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