May 192013


I’m already an happy customer of Ubuntu One and Dropbox, I use them for different things such as website articles on one and photo and documents on the other, but why don’t try a new service that offer 15 GB for free and a native Linux Client ? it’s a relatively new company that at the moment is offering the biggest cloud space for free accounts, in these days they offer 15 GB for free + 5GB for every referral that sign in with your code, or + 5Gb if you sign in using a referral code (note in the link there is my referral code).

So what offer this new company ?

Copy is very much like Dropbox in many ways, Copy also allows you to share files with others, from the web interfaces or from the desktop client.
Once installed, Copy will create a folder on your computer called โ€œCopy.โ€ And so long as the Copy application is running and you are logged in to your account, any file you place in the โ€œCopyโ€ folder will automatically upload to the cloud and be accessible via and any other computer that you have running Copy
(a home or work computer, for example).


The supported Platforms includes at the moment:
Android, iOS, MacOS, Windows and Linux


The website offers a generic .tar.gz file for both 32 and 64 bit architecture, I’ve tested it with Mint 14 (aka Ubuntu 12.10) at 64 bit and it has worked without any problem.
Once you have downloaded the file unzip it on your home directory with the command:

tar -zxvf copy_agent-1.28.0657.tgz

This will create a directory with name copy, to run the graphical client run the command:


Or just use a file manager and double click on CopyAgent.

The first time it will ask for your email and password to sign into the cloud service, It automatically sets itself to start at login, so the next times you login into your desktop you’ll just see a small origami icon on your application bar that will confirm that the application is successfully started.

Clicking on the origami icon you can access the setting of this application, where you can set some useful things such as where do you want notifications to appear, set bandwidth limits and configure Selective Sync, so you don’t have to sync all the files in all your Copy accounts/devices, you can also choose where you want the apps main folder to be, much like you can with Dropbox.

From this icon you can also pause sync .

All communication with the cloud is SSL-encrypted, and the data stored is further encrypted with AES 256. In fact, every 1MB portion of a file storer is encrypted with its own key (source)

Another interesting option is the command CopyConsole that could be used on headleass server, good maybe to setup a backup on the cloud for your VPS, I’ve to explore this a bit more.

How to get the extra 5GB while registering

Click on the referral code
Register a new account
You’ll receive a verification email, just click on the link on the body of the email to verify your email account.
Download the application from the official website
Run the application and use the email/password you have used in the registration phase.

Congrats you have now 20 GB on the clouds with
You can also get another 2GB for tweeting the referral link on the Copy website during their ‘Tour’, the first time you browse your files from the Web.

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  35 Responses to “Copy – A new cloud storage service with Linux Client”

  1. How does the system integration work on KDE? Do files and directories get the sync status on icons? Do additional context menus exist (to copy public link etc)? Or is it as half-assed as Dropbox in this regard? ๐Ÿ˜›

  2. If someone wouldn’t mind using my referral code so we can each get an extra 5 GB, it would be appreciated. My referral code is After you get your account, maybe you should post your referral code so we can all gain file storage bonuses.

    Thanks in advance.

  3. I am quite happy with Dropbox. However, having a new addition is always healthy to Linux.
    There are comparatively less alternatives for Linux users. No Google drive no SkyDrive … nothing. At-least this new company got some love on Linux. I will surely try it… at-least because they made a linux client.

  4. I know that it seems like a blasphemy, but i don’t like Dropbox, too much expensive for the space that it offer. I prefer sugarsync (even if it doesn’t have a linux version) or UbuntuOne because with them you can sync the folder that you want. Copy let’s you sync just it’s folder, but at least it gives you lots and lots of GB free!
    BTW if someone want to use my referral it would be really appreciated
    Thank you

  5. Thanks for this . have 20 GB cloud storage now. Works fine with gnome on fedora 18.


    >What brings it to you:
    – free 20 GB online storage + 5 GB for every referral (no limit upwards ๐Ÿ™‚ )
    – easy to use website
    – secure file transfer per https

  7. clicked on sean’s referral code. Here’s mine.

  8. Used last code above, here is mine:


  9. The service is really good. Sign up with the link below to get extra 5 GB! You will have 20 GB for free!!

  10. Great post! I’m loving Copy service, as any new company it has some initial bugs but nothing alarming, I think it’s totally worth to give it a try, let’s spread the news ๐Ÿ˜€

    Here’s my referral code for those who want to try it:

    Thanks and cheers everyone! ๐Ÿ˜€

  11. I can recommend this new cloud storage service. Copy has very simple but functional interface as well as fast uploading speed. And only now they give 20 Gb free storage space through a referral link. So, you want to try it you can use this referral link:


  12. Adding my referral link if someone wants to sign-up for 20GB. Thanks in advance!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. Hi, here is my link to get 20GB cloud storage

  14. Here’s my referral link to get 20GB, thanks:

  15. Yeah! It is great!

    And you Win Extra 5gb If you invite someone…

    Here is my envite:

    Thank you!

  16. NEW Referral scheme from Copy people.
    Use and get 50 GB cloud storage for FREE.
    Surely wouldn’t lose anything if you had used any other referral to join.

    • Sorry but where do you see a new referral program for having 50 GB ?
      In the while I’ll remove your ref ๐Ÿ™‚

      Best Regards

      • Please remove it, because anyways my link is also not working, I had pasted a bitly link here for my referral but it seem this blogging platefom dint recognize it.
        Well that was a special referral for some paid users, I had asked for it and got it, first ten people who use my referral would get 50 gig, after that it would be normal referral 20 Gig
        but anyways my link is not working.

  17. The service is really good. Sign up with the link below to get extra 5 GB! You will have 20 GB for free!!

    Thank you!

  18. Copy is great. You will get extra 5GB (total 15+5 = 20 GB) free space using any referral link. You will only get 15 GB if you go directory to the site and sign. Please use my link to sign up for Copy, you will get extra 5GB free space and I will get 5 GB. Thanks in advance!

  19. Works perfect in Fedora 19.
    Qt client, command line, Firefox, Chrome, you name it.

  20. Thanks a lot for sharing this! It works perfectly on CrunchBang 11.

  21. Please, sign up with the link below, so we both get extra 5 GB. Thank you.

  22. Hi everyone,

    Do you want a 5GB EXTRA when you signup (20GB at signup, after installing the client)??

    Use the link below:

  23. There is no referral limit with Copy. Get 20GB stating space when you join copy with my link

  24. Copy client is excellent in Linux and the limitless storage space is hard to beat!

    Using my referral link below will provide us both with 5GB extra storage (20GB for you to start with):



    1. Register.
    2. Confirm e-mail
    3. Install the application.

    20 Gig โ€œin the pocketโ€

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