May 192015

While there are many music players out there, most of them require you to purchase the music and add it to your own playlist. This can amass quite a lot of work, especially if you have large collections of music, and because of that using an alternative such as Atraci is truly recommended.

What is Atraci?

Simply put, Atraci is a music player that streams music from YouTube. The idea isn’t new, with other apps such as MusicTube providing a similar set of features, but what Atraci does is that it allows you to access the current top tracks you can find on the market right after entering the app.

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Mar 102015

calibreReading books is still one of the most preferred activities by a lot of people, but with ebooks things became even easier. However, if you are an avid reader you do want to make sure that your books are organized efficiently, so this is where the importance of Calibre comes into play.

This application has been created with the main purpose of keeping your books in a single, organized place, but as time has passed, the app has definitely become much more than that. One of the things you will like in Calibre right from the start is the fact that it comes with complete support for a variety of ebook types. No matter if you use an Amazon device such as the Kindle, a Nook, Kobo or Sony based reader, you can easily organize and view the content of these files with ease.

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Mar 012015

Quick, what’s the first thing you think about when you hear the term “Linux”? If your answer is among the lines of “old-fashion complicated-to-use operating system that’s anything but user-friendly”, you’re clearly thinking of what Linux used to be, and not about what Linux is today. You see, Linux has come a long way since the old-days, when you needed to be technically-savvy to use it. Linux has gotten better, faster, and more powerful than ever, and 2015 might just be the year Linux takes a serious swing at Microsoft’s domination when it comes to desktop computers. Here’s why.
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Keep your Diary on Linux with RedNoteBook

Keep your Diary on Linux with RedNoteBook

 Documenting processes and systems or just keeping a diary of the daily happenings are things that many computer users are doing very often. RedNotebook is a professional application that allows you to create a log or journal of all those tasks as well as document issues with your network. The app can be seen as […]

Backup files on Linux with FreeFileSync

Backup files on Linux with FreeFileSync

As a Linux user, you always want to keep your files and folders up to date, and this is especially true in those situations where you can create a backup. This is why you have to use a tool that automatically syncs the content of two folders in order to keep them up to date. […]