Oct 012011

Original article published on the italian Blog il panda verde

Today we talk about Deja Dup, the tool I used to make a backup of files before the upgrade of my Lubuntu at release 11.04 (most probably this arrive a little late, but the program is worth a blog post) . It is indeed a great software to create backups (so that it’s part of the standard packages in Fedora 13 and if everything goes in the right way it will also be added to Ubuntu 11.10), but the reason for the post is not just that, a large plus of Deja DUP is its extreme ease of use, it takes a couple of clicks to configure it and save our precious documents, even “in the cloud”.

Opening the program, we are faced with only two choices: to make or restore a backup (it’s hard to go wrong).

Déjà Dup_001

If we choose the first alternative, we just have to decide where to save our files, among the possible options there are Amazon’s S3 cloud services, and Rackspace, a Windows share, FTP, SSH, WebDAV, in addition to the more traditional internal and external hard drives and it’s also possible to choose which folders we want to include and which to exclude from the backup.

Back Up_001

Back Up_002

The restore operation is simple, the only information required is the location of the backup to be restored.

For the most demanding user in the preferences tab of Deja Dup you can also set the schedule periodic for the backups and decide how long these will remain available (usually it’s selected forever).

How to install it on Ubuntu and other debian based Distribution ?

sudo apt-get install deja-dup

I Add as a note, in my opinion very interesting, that Deja Dup also includes the option to encrypt all backups.
For what i know this useful application will be included by default in Ubuntu 11.10, and so probably will spread among many the Linux users of this Distribution.

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  7 Responses to “Deja Dup, the backup simple and fast is served”

  1. useless if you have one server without graphic interface

  2. Deja Dup is available on Redhat based distributions also.

  3. E per quello che riguarda il ripristino di un singolo file?!

    • Nella versione attuale non è supportato, quindi puo fare restore di tutto nelal directory originale, oppure recuperare il tutto in una directory temporanea e da li scegliere i soli file che ti interessano.
      E? comunque nella wish list del prodotto.


  4. Mah, saro prevenuto, ma secondo me non c’e’ niente di meglio di un bel tar ed lrzip.
    Si ha la comodita’ di impacchettare e spacchettare cio’ che realmente si vuole, agendo effettivamente su cio’ che si vuole, e ridurlo davvero ad i minimi termini. Basti pensare che ho compresso una raibowtable da 64gb in 2.4 gb

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