How-To: Create ISO Images from Command-Line

Original article by Craciun Dan published on Tuxarena, the article is based on the installation and use within a distribution with packages .deb For this tutorial we’ll use the genisoimage utility, developed as part of the cdrkit project. genisoimage is a command-line tool for creating ISO 9660 filesystem images, which can be burnt after to a CD or DVD […]

Be nice with your process on Linux

On Linux there is a way to set/change the priority of processes, the user can act to give greater or lesser priority to its own processes. For example you are running a backup with rsync or doing a tar, but you do not want these processes use all your CPU, in these cases you can […]

chage : control your users “age” on Linux

If you think that the operations about users are only: creation, deletion and change of the passwords you are in error, in the standard GNU/Linux system about authentication and authorization of users there are some interesting flags regarding the age of an account. These parameters are usually ignored, but can be very useful in particular […]

Split and merge files from the command line

Original Article by Juan Valencia Although some file archivers offer us the option of split the files, this can be easily accomplished with two commands: split and cat. Splitting a file with split split just needs the size of the parts that we want to create, and the file that we want to split, e.g.: split -b 1024 file_to_split.binsplit […]

Linux system info, cheat sheet

This is a small collection of commands that can give you information on a Linux computer. Most of this commands can be run as non-privileged user, but more information can be obtained if (and should be) run as root: General system information: # uname -a List all hardware lshw |less Alternative with Gtk frontend lshw-gtk