Nov 132012

It’s from some time that I don’t post about the most read articles on Linuxaria, and so today I present you a small list of the top 7 articles of the last 3 months published on Linuxaria, and that perhaps you have missed, in that case this is a good chance to read them.

7) Linux shell, how to use the exec option in find with examples

In a former article I’ve wrote about the command locate, an useful command to find quickly a file in your computer.
An alternative to locate is the command find : GNU find searches the directory tree rooted at each given file name by evaluating the given expression from left to right, according to the rules of precedence, until the outcome is known (the left hand side is false for and operations, true for or), at which point find use the defined action and moves on to the next file name.

find can use many options to compose an expression and as standard action it print in the standard output the file name that match the expression.

6) 3 Tower defense games for Linux

This is a genre I like and usually I play this kind of games in their flash/java online version but there are some nice Tower Defense games that can be downloaded and installed on Linux systems, today I’ll present you 3 of my favorites: Creeptd, Target Defense and Revenge of the Titans

But first a small introduction to what’s a Tower defense game:

The goal of tower defense games is to try to stop enemies from crossing a map by building towers which shoot at them as they pass. Enemies and towers usually have varied abilities, costs, and ability costs. When an enemy is defeated, the player earns money or points, which are used to buy or upgrade towers, or upgrade the number of money or points that are earned, or even upgrade the rate at which they upgrade.

5) Top 10 Games for Linux in 2012

Techies and gamers seem to always be faced an unfortunate lack of video games available for the Linux operating system. While many techie gamers would prefer to move to a cleaner, leaner Linux environment, the Microsoft world it seems has held the monopoly when it comes to supporting great computer games. While Apple has made great strides toward supporting a wider variety of games, Linux clearly trails behind the big commercial operating systems in game support.

To help alleviate this unfortunate situation Linux aficionados find themselves in, here is a list of the top ten Linux games released or updated in 2012

4) 5 Linux Distros focused on computer security

Today I’ll present you 5 Linux distribution focused on computer security, in this list I’ve not put 2 distro I’ve already talked about: Backtrack and Damn Vulnerable Linux.

The 5 Linux distribution are: DEFT (Digital Evidence & Forensic Toolkit), QubesOs, Pentoo, Lightweight Portable Security and CAINE.

3) Understanding the Top command on Linux


Know what is happening in “real time” on your systems is in my opinion the basis to use and optimize your OS. On ArchLinux or better on GNU/Linux in general the top command can help us, this is a very useful system monitor that is really easy to use, and that can also allows us to understand why our OS suffers and which process use most resources. The command to be run on the terminal is:

$ top

And we’ll get a screen similar to the one on the right:

Let’s see now every single row of this output to explain all the information found within the screen.

2) How to remove Zeitgeist in Ubuntu and why

On my desktop I use Xubuntu 12.04, and today i noticed that this distribution shipped by default the Zeitgeist daemon, a thing that I’m not using at all, for what i know.

From Wikipedia:

Zeitgeist is a service which logs the users’s activities and events, anywhere from files opened to websites visited and conversations. It makes this information readily available for other applications to use in form of timelines and statistics. It is able to establish relationships between items based on similarity and usage patterns by applying data association algorithms such as “Winepi” and “A Priori”

Zeitgeist is the main engine and logic behind GNOME Activity Journal which is currently seen to become one of the main means of viewing and managing activities in GNOME version 3.0

1) 7 hidden features of bash

Today I want to share with you some of my favorite features of bash, I called them hidden because I’ve discovered that a lot of people don’t know or don’t use them, but to be honest they are not so hidden after all, they are in the man page of bash, but how many of us have read it all ?

1) xkcdcom-149-2

Thanks to for this explanation.
In short this is useful when you need root access for a command and you forget to use sudo.
The parameter “!!” is substituted with the last run command.

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