Brief introduction, on April 15 2011 Oracle announced that it will abandon the development of the commercial version of Open Office and so the project will become officially a community only driven project. Or: goodbye OpenOffice, welcome libreoffice.
Original article By: Michael Dorf
When Oracle acquired Sun Microsystems, Sun was actively sponsoring a number of open source projects. In the past, Oracle has had limited success with open source software and many felt that Oracle didn’t understand open source. As Oracle began to assimilate the various parts of Sun Microsystems, the community waited and watched to see if Oracle would be a good open source citizen.
The community didn’t need to wait long. One of Oracle’s first missteps in the open source community came when they filed a patent infringement lawsuit against Google’s Android platform. This suit rocked the open source community as many viewed it as a poor use of Sun’s Java related patents. It has also caused many in the community to question the future of Java. And for those that relied on other Sun open source projects, it called into question the future of those projects.
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