Jun 102013

linux mint

I’ve changed the GNU/Linux distribution of my home computer from Xubuntu to Mint (XFCE edition) 2 releases ago, and from that date I’ve never regret it, so while I wait for the release of the XFCE edition of Olivia (the code name of Mint 15), I’m glad to publish an interesting article of Manuel and it’s experiences with the Cinnamon edition of Mint 15.

The new version of Linux Mint has just been released. The developers have arrived at version 15, the nick name of this version is Olivia. A lot of the changes are specified in the release notes. Among the most striking a new managment for the proprietary drivers and the repository. The writer already used successfully Mint, but in the variant with the XFCE desktop environment. This time, it was decided to give credit to the developers of Mint and use the official version with Cinnamon instead of XFCE.

No more pleasantries. The new Mint soon proved to be a bomb, with really gew things to complain about. Installed as usual directly from an USB stick, in around twenty minutes we had everything set and ready. All the hardware of our laptop Dell Inspiron 1525 has been recognized on the fly, but we had to turn on the of the proprietary wireless driver in order to use the wireless connection. A few automatic updates remained to be done, and so, we started with our tests.
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Jun 022013

humble-bundle8Humble Indie Bundle (HIB) number eight is been released and this is the list of games that you’ll find this time: Dear Esther, Capsized, Awesomenauts, Thomas Was Alone, and Little Inferno. If you choose to pay over the average, you’ll also receive Hotline Miami and Proteus!

What’s is HIB ? in short:

The Humble Indie Bundles or Humble Bundles are a series of game bundles that are sold and distributed online at a price determined by the purchaser. The games are multi-platform, DRM-free, and independently developed, and buyers can set the revenue split between the developers, charities and humble bundle organizers.

Thanks Wikipedia.

You have time for another 9 days before  this offer runs out, but let’s take a quick look at the games that you’ll get this time
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May 302013

Today I propose you an interesting topic based on an article by   first published on https://citizenweb.is/

Over the past few years, a handful of different encrypted messaging systems have cropped up and gained prominence, notably Cryptocat and the OTR specification. Now a newcomer to the scene proposes a different way of thinking about encrypted communication, one that borrows from its more well-known older brother, BitCoin.

A project has been started that intends to recreate BitCoin’s decentralized P2P model for seamless message encryption and transmission.
BitMessage was started by Jonathan Warr en late last year and has now made it up to version 0.2.4. One of the most prominent strengths of the BitMessage system is how it enforces anonymity. Similar to how BitCoin allows one to send money to anonymous recipients without advertising metadata to others, BitMessage communicates via simple addresses generated from public keys, which need not be tied to a specific user’s identity.

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May 252013

root@linuxaria.com# lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description: Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 (wheezy)
Release: 7.0
Codename: wheezy

I’ve spent the last 30 minutes (more or less) in the upgrade of my VPS from Debian 6 to Debian 7, in short this has been a great success just 1 conflict with some packages and some old WordPress module of another website that are not compatible with php 5.4, total downtime of the website : 8 minutes.

And now some detail of my experience.
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May 192013


I’m already an happy customer of Ubuntu One and Dropbox, I use them for different things such as website articles on one and photo and documents on the other, but why don’t try a new service that offer 15 GB for free and a native Linux Client ?

Copy.com it’s a relatively new company that at the moment is offering the biggest cloud space for free accounts, in these days they offer 15 GB for free + 5GB for every referral that sign in with your code, or + 5Gb if you sign in using a referral code (note in the link there is my referral code).

So what offer this new company ?

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