Jul 182012

Original article by http://janssenlima.blogspot.it/ in Portuguese

Today I’ll talk about a very important type of monitoring that is rarely discussed (perhaps because not so many people are privileged to work with hardware that supports this technology: IPMI).

The Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) is a standard used to manage a computer system and monitor its operation. Its development was led by Intel and is today supported by more than 200 hardware manufacturers.
Its operation is independent of an operating system, which allows administrators to remotely manage the hardware resources even before any OS starts. For example, we can monitor through IPMI system temperatures, voltages, fans (FAN), power supplies, chassis intrusion, etc..
For the ones that wants to go deeper in IPMI specifics, I suggest reading the website of Intel . I think the most interested in this are the Data Center Managers and System Administrators of sites that must be highly available. An IPMI interface collects information using sensors that are responsible for providing this information in real-time.
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Jun 282012

Original article by Paul Castagnino, first published on usemoslinux.blogspot.it in spanish

Secure Boot is a type of mechanism that verifies that the code executed is digitally signed. Thus the computer can only boot an operating system that has a bootloader properly signed. This is a requirement that Microsoft asked to put on computers the badge “Windows 8 Certified”. This request by Microsoft has split the waters among the major Linux distributions , find out why.

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Jun 042012

Some time ago i posted an article about 5 RSS Feed reader on linux, and between these 5 software my favorite was liferea.
Recently I’ve found a new software that seem really promising Tickr.

TICKR version 0.6.0 is a Free Open Source, GTK-based RSS READER application which displays RSS FEEDS in a TICKER bar on your desktop. With a single click, you get the latest headlines scrolling in a thin window on your desktop, as what can be seen on News TV channels.
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May 152012

Have you heard about the contest which is currently running for all the Linux lovers, especially for fans of Zorin OS?

If you have not heard of it, then you have missed a lot.

Zorin OS team, Linuxaria and Linux notes from DarkDuck are giving prizes for the best Linux- or ZorinOS-related stories.

The contest was announced on the 6th of May and was planned to run for 2 weeks.

I am happy to announce that the contest has been extended to 1 months for the many submissions we are receiving.

You can submit your stories until the 6th of June, and organizers will decided who gets the prizes on the 8th of June.

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May 072012

I accidentally discovered this package for debian, very trivial but brilliant in its simplicity: at the first error done on the command line it performs a rm -rf / , so it try to delete the drive completely, this package is called Suicide Linux, and you should absolutely not install it on your machine.

To test this you can use an expendable virtual machine .
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