Apr 022011

tux-terminal A new month is come and now is the time to see what were the most read articles of the month of February.

7) Using cut on linux terminal

Among the commands available from the linux terminal there’s also cut, very useful for processing strings and characters in general.

The cut command is one of the oldest Unix command. That means that it is more then 40 years old. And it shows. It is important to understand that this is a Unix command and behaves in “Unix way”.
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Mar 312011

flux.imageWell, to be honest, the motto of f.lux is “better lighting for your computer”. That is, this software is based on studies that say that during the day is beneficial to have a blue based light, while it’s bad at night for your sleep pattern; at night it is better to have a more “hot” light, so a reddish-orange based brightness should be better, this is the work of f.lux, this program do a transition of the brightness of your screen depending on time of the day and your latitude.
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Mar 262011

UbuntuGood news, at the last Ubuntu Technical Board the members have voted against including (by default) Non-Free software in ubuntu distribution. The Ubuntu Technical Board is responsible for architectural and technical decisions in Ubuntu. They set the standards required for packaging and integration with Ubuntu, as well as signing off on the release process and goals, and are ultimately responsible for granting official status and access rights to developers and the leader is of course Mark Shuttleworth.
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Mar 212011

libreofficeFrom today i’ve switched, on my Gentoo,from openoffice 3.2 to libreoffice 3.3 and for sure i’ve no regret.

If in the last 6 months you have been away from the net you could wonder what’s libreoffice:

On 28 September 2010, some members of the OpenOffice.org Project formed a new group called The Document Foundation and made available a rebranded fork of OpenOffice.org, which they dubbed LibreOffice. The fork was created over fears that Oracle Corporation, after buying out the project’s former sponsor Sun Microsystems, would discontinue OpenOffice.org as it had done with OpenSolaris. It was hoped that the LibreOffice name would be provisional, as Oracle was invited to become a member of the Document Foundation, and was asked to donate the OpenOffice.org brand to the project.

Oracle rejected the project and demanded that all members of the OpenOffice.org Community Council involved with The Document Foundation step down from the Council, citing a conflict of interest.

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Mar 092011

minitubeAfter the upgrade to 10.2 i’ve ran in a know Flash bug and now i can see youtube only in black and white, i’ve searched the net a bit and i’ve found that’s a common problem. The cause seems to be a combination of Flash 10.2, a recent YouTube change and the users graphics cards and seems to be browser-independent (can occur in Firefox 3.x, Firefox 4 beta as well as Chrome / Chromium).

If you have this bug too on webupd8.org there is an article with several fixes to the bug.
Personally i’m a bit tired of all these flash issue, and while waiting for html 5, i’ve took a look around to try some alternatives and in particular for youtube I’ve found minitube.
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