Dec 022011

This is my second article on this topic, Asset management with opensource tools.
In the first article i’ve published information about OcsInventory NG, a mature French project that recently has released his 2.0 release.

Today we’ll take a look at Fusion Inventory, another French project that has exactly the same goals, but that’s much more recent.

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Nov 262011

Today I want to present an open source software created for the asset management OCSInventory, and in the next days i want to post information about Fusioninventory and GLPI.  I will focus on programs that allow you to have an inventory of your hardware and software that allow you to manage everything with discovery tools, reports and alerts, but first let’s see what’s the mean of Asset Management:

From Wikipedia:
Asset management, broadly defined, refers to any system whereby things that are of value to an entity or group are monitored and maintained. It may apply to both tangible assets and to intangible concepts such as intellectual property and goodwill.

Asset management is a systematic process of operating , maintaining, and upgrading assets cost-effectively, (American Associate of State Highway and Transportation Officials)

Alternative views of asset management in the engineering environment are:

  • The practice of managing assets so that the greatest return is achieved (this concept is particularly useful for productive assets such as plant and equipment)
  • the process by which built systems of facilities are monitored and maintained, with the objective of providing the best possible service to users (appropriate for public infrastructure assets)

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Nov 202011

Frank Harris-Smith

Have you ever wondered what that bright object in the pre-dawn morning was that you couldn’t help notice? Or is that reddish star Mars? Is that fuzzy mass of white a wispy cloud or a galaxy?

Note the time you saw the object and where you saw it (towards the east near the horizon, for example) and Kstars will tell you what the object is. Kstars is a desktop Planetarium that will open the heavens to your understanding.

Kstars is of course, open source. It can be installed on most Linux systems either alone or as part of the kdeedu (KDE Educational) package. It will run well enough on a Pentium IV while using only 80 megabytes of RAM but it’s really spectacular running on a multi-core system with several gigabytes of RAM.
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Nov 192011

It’s some time that i don’t do a roundup of games, and so today i want to present you some of the best FPS available for Linux.
Like i always say, the time where Linux games were not comparable with the Windows counterpart is past, and now , with the right hardware, you can play some great games also on your Linux box.

Let’s take a look at : Warsow, World of Padman, Urban Terrror, Open Arena and  AssaultCube Continue reading »

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Nov 012011

sshguardI’ve already talked about fail2ban and logcheck, 2 tools that can scan your logs and do actions, based on rules that you can give/modify, usually modify your iptables rules to stop active attacks against your server or simply send you a warning if some thing is found in the logs.

Today we’ll see a similar tool, sshguard, it is different from the other two in that it is written in C, so it’s uses less memory and CPU while running, but still achiving the same results.
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