Aug 072011

piwikThis article is wrote by Rob Connolly, first published on Blogging to Nowhere

If you read my previous post regarding the site overhaul that I’m currently doing you will have seen me mention that I’m now using the Piwik Open Source Analytics Package in place of Google Analytics. Well I’ve had it running for a few days and have played around with it a bit, so I thought I’d review it. I’m going to start with my reasons for moving from GA and then move along and score it on several different criteria:


  • Installation and Setup
  • Site integration
  • User interface
  • Extensibility (API availability)
  • Overall impressions (documentation, community, etc.)

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Aug 072011

minitubeMinitube it’s an application to watch youtube movie without using Flash or your browser, i’ve talked about it in a former article.

But from some time there were problems and the app was not able anymore to load properly the youtube video (this was with version 1.4.3 from around 1 month ago).

Flavio released on 5 of august a new release, the 1.5 that fixed this problem

Here I am with a new release that fixes the problem and adds a few features. Thanks to Mike Holenderski for emailing me details about the YouTube changes that broke Minitube. Besides watching videos again, you can now drag’n’drop YouTube links from your browser to the Minitube window. Also, Minitube is now more tolerant about which URLs are actually YouTube URLs.

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Aug 042011

This is an article of mine, originally published on Wazi

Apache is the world’s most popular web server and its normal use is to provide websites on the Web, but sometimes you can use it also to provide other services.

In this tutorial we’ll see how to set up an Apache with DAV and LDAP to create a file server, which according to the user profile on Ldap will give them permission to read, write, or none.

How you can use it?

A file server like this can be used easily from Windows, Mac or Linux; files can be accessed both from the web with any browser or with programs that support the DAV protocol. As an example you could keep your group calendar there and update it with Lighting (a Thunderbird extension for calendaring), and so every member of the group will have his calendar in sync with this method; or you can use it as a basic documentation system where to put your doc, PDF, or any document and share them in your company (or outside if you want).
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Aug 032011

no-unityMaybe you are disappointed by Unity and looking for something new? But you would not like to go away from the known Ubuntu environment?

Of course, Ubuntu like any Linux distribution, you can customize the look and the behaviour in the way you want. Depending on the knowledge you have, it will be more or less successfully. Or if you do not have time to adjust, try some of the already finished remaster . You may find some that you will like.
Arios and gNatty are two remaster of Ubuntu using Ubuntu 11.04 as a basis for the operating system.
Arios is configured to be an usable distribution, while gNatty it’s just an interesting concept that still needs a lot of work.
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