Jun 112011

monit If you are in charge of some services probably you have set up some monitoring system to notify you if something go wrong (email, sms or a Tweet), and so you can fix it quickly. But do you really want to be always available 24×7 every day of the year ?

I’m not for sure, so let’s see Monit, a fantastic tool that can manage some problems for you and let you enjoy your free time.
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Jun 102011

ssh Today I present this excellent article by Domenico Raffaele originally presented in his blog (in Italian) where you can find many other interesting articles about hacks and VoIP.

I’ve already wrote about unusual use of ssh. I want to return to this topic fascinating and almost unknown, once again, and I promise I will not be the last.


Since time immemorial (in the scale of computing eras), is common practice to launch remote applications (Xclients) in a graphical environment, but using them from local (Xserver).

Consider the need to scan the internal network to which it belongs remote server2, which can be accessed remotely via ssh.

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Jun 092011

ipv6 ready OK, i’m 1 day late but now also http://linuxaria.com is IPv6 ready.

1 day late for what ?

Yesterday was the WORLD IPV6 DAY, but i’m sure that you have noticed it, i saw a lot of news about it in many Tech-related news sites.

Now linuxaria.com is hosted on a VPS on Linode and i must say that the setup it’s been “enough” easy, the more problems i got come from nginx, mainly for my lack of knowledge of IPv6 and this web server.
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Jun 082011

tux-terminalEveryone knows (and loves) grep, I’ve also wrote an article on it, but today we’ll see other small utility that have some things in common with it.

In particular I’ll show you: pgrep, grepcidr, ngrep, pdfgrep and taggrepper.

All are command line tools to be used with your favorite shell, I’ll show you some example for every command.
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Jun 072011

yakito At the moment my favourite way to do (simple) elaborations and conversions of multimedia file is FFMPEG. But i understand that is not exactly the most user-friendly tool around, so if you don’t want to open the terminal and read the man page of FFMPEG perhaps you could take a look at Yakito.

Yakito  is a free and open media files converter, using the benefits of the project FFMPEG to achieve maximum compatibility with most multimedia formats and codecs.Unlike other solutions, Yakito is not intended to be a simple frontend interface to manage an installation of FFMPEG, but uses this engine to convert/encode video in an independent  way (FFMPEG it’s integrated in the executable itself, so it’s transparent).For this it relies on Jave , another free software project.
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