Aug 092014

In previous posts we’ve seen how to Enable automatic security update in Debian/Ubuntu and in Red hat enterprise or Centos 6, recently I’ve started to work with the new Red Hat Enterprise 7 and I’ve noticed that there are some interesting changes in the way this system can be set to auto update.

An example ?

In Red Hat/Centos 6 you could not set which kind of update you’d like to do, so you could just decide to update for any kind of update (feature,bug or security) or nothing at all, this has changed and now we can fine grain which kind of updates we want to do on our servers.

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Aug 052014

whatpulse If, like me, you are a statistics freak you must install this small application on all your computers: WhatPulse

The software tracks a user’s pressed keys, mouse clicks and used bandwidth and the uptime of the system. Periodically, or by hand, the user can upload to the server the number of keystrokes made; this is called “pulsing”.

Users can see where they are in a leaderboard of people who have joined the program and compare themselves against people from their own countries. Users can also join teams, which enables them to compare themselves against people with similar interests (Go Linux Users !!).

There is a basic, and free, version where you can easily see and check all the basic statistics and a premium account where you can see some more stats.

The software is available for Linux, Windows and Mac.
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Aug 032014

First of all, Zorin team, Linux notes from DarkDuck and Linuxaria would like to say THANK YOU to all the participants of the contest that we ran for last few weeks. It was a real pleasure to see such a response, and to read all your article.

Unfortunately, not all of them could get the prizes. It was a difficult task to select the winners. It is time to announce their names!

Drums, please!

The 1st prize, a disk with Zorin OS 9 Premium with all the attached support from Zorin OS team goes to Clive Nodder and his article Dad, my windows are broken.

The 2nd prize, 10 GBP e-voucher for site from Buy Linux CDs goes to Electric Rider and his article How I stopped distro hopping.

The 3rd prize, CD with any Linux distribution of your choice from Linux notes from DarkDuck goes to Guillaume Tosi and his article A love story with real love and romance.

The  4th prize, 25 USD voucher for from Linuxaria goes to the person who submitted the article #10: Andrew Ross.

Winners will be contacted directly by the contest organizers.

Of course, stay tuned to see the winning and some other articles.

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Aug 012014

If, like me, you work on terminals connected via ssh to remote computer/server you are probably used to tmux and screen and so it’s not a problem if you have to close your session, as you’ll be able to easily re-connect when you need it, but sometimes you could forget about using one of these utility.

Started a long-running process over ssh, but have to leave and don’t want to interrupt it?
Just start a screen, use reptyr to grab it, and then kill the ssh session and head on home.

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Jul 222014

ubuntuone out of businessIf you were an Ubuntu One user probably you have received a mail like this one:

“This is the FINAL reminder to make sure you have retrieved all your data from Ubuntu One filesync, as we will be deleting all the content permanently on 31st July 2014. After that date, we will no longer be able to retrieve any of your files.

In order to make it easy for you to retrieve all of your content, we have released a new feature that lets you download all your content at once. Our website ( has been updated with instructions on how to conveniently download all your files.

In addition, you still can use’s offer to transfer your data to another cloud provider for free. The Ubuntu One web interface is available for you to download individual files as well.

All of us in the Ubuntu One team would like to thank you for your support over the years.

The Ubuntu One team”

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