Apr 102011

Today we have a guest article By: Guillermo Garron from Go2linux, i really like his site so if you don’t know it i really suggest you to go and ckeck it.


First of all, I would like to thank Riccardo to let me post this article in his wonderful blog.

I’ll write this time about Slackware and the imminent release of the 13.37 version, why 13.37? strange release number for Slackware, but for the first time Slackware has a codename, it is “leet” so 13.37 = leet :).

Like someone in the LinuxQuestions forum wrote:

Sl4ckw4r3 l1nux r0ck5.

Y may say

“Sl4ckw4r3 13.37 l1nux r0ck5”…

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Apr 102011

IE9vsMozilla This interesting article is not so neutral for sure (it’s hosted on the mozilla site), but from a first reading seems very well made ​​and supported by numbers.

The article start with “Is IE9 a modern browser? NO”

IE9 is definitely better than IE8 and a step in the right direction, but I don’t believe it to be a truly modern browser, and let me tell you why.

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Apr 092011

nattyToday I was checking as usual the linux news from around the world and two articles caught my attention.

1) Canonical has second thoughts, maybe Ubuntu 4.11 will not haave Unity as default ! Yay !!!!!

In this popular Italian blog the author refers that at the last ubuntu Technical Board meeting a question has been raised:

* Classic Gnome Desktop by default (dmandell)
* Action: rickspencer3 will bring up the state of unity on the -desktop list for public review and discussion

So, there is in the technical board a discussion about changing the default desktop ?
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Apr 092011

Yes, from today the site has a new look.
I apologize to those who landed today on the website there were probably times when everything was not exactly in the right place, and probably some pages were not visible at some time. Now all major problems should be fixed, for what i know there are just some small glitches left: the time when a comment has been posted for example.

So goodbye dear brownline theme, you were nice to me but to be true in these 8 months I had a bit of criticism about its layout and the fact that it was too dark and not very readable.

And of course, welcome to the new theme, I moved on Suffusion a light theme, with many customizable options, let’s see some that I used on the site.
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Apr 072011

tux-nrosesI came across by chance in what I consider one of the more comprehensive guide to creating audio in Linux, and Stefano gave me the permission to republish his material that I consider really good and that he uses as musician.

Stefano it’s an Ubuntu user and his guide it’s based on this distribution, he’s really active in the Ubuntu italian community, if you want to make him a question regarding his guide, you can post in this thread http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/index.php/topic,278719.0.html, the language of the forum is Italian, but i’m sure that you’ll get some answers also if you ask kindly in English.

You can find the previous part  here :

Part 1 here
Part 2 here
Part 3 here

This is the last part i hope you enjoyed this tutorial.
The original article is in italian, you can send note about the Translation to me.

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