Feb 032011

tux-apacheSometimes it can be useful with a simple CGI to show the contents of a directory, or run a command with some parameters.
If you are a programmer you probably will think at a elegant and practical solutions in Java, Ruby or PHP, but for a system administrator may be convenient to make a simple bash program, a language he’s using everyday.

Let’s see how to use the bash we use usually on the terminal in a CGI program. Continue reading »

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Feb 022011

text_translatioIt is undeniable sometimes when we’re browsing or reading an article/tutorial we hit a language that we do not understand yet that’s the thing we are looking for, but linux users do not have to worry about these issues because there is applications that can help us in the translation, yup “FreeSpeak“, the application is quite powerful for translate from or into other languages.

About FreeSpeak

FreeSpeak is a free (as in freedom, developed and released under the terms of GPL) frontend to online translator engines (such as Google, Yahoo, etc.). It is written in Python, it uses the GTK toolkit and some GNOME infrastructure features. FreeSpeak maintainer is Luca Bruno.

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Feb 012011

Open source is very dedicated to sharing information, comparing and learning, then in this article i will recommend some readings of open books that you can download, read and if you want print freely.


The Cathedral and the Bazaar

Available in many languages; This is a great essay on the difference between the open source model of software development, and the closed source model employed by commercial software vendors. It is a great read that is as true as when it was written, to the present day today. Continue reading »

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Jan 312011

mozilla_labsGame On 2010 is Mozilla Labs‘ first international gaming competition. Game On is all about games built, delivered and played on the open Web and the browser.

Now we are at the final phase and there are 35 great games fighting to get the first prize. You can still cast your vote and get a chance to win a prize from the mozilla foundation:

Due to the awesome response from our wider community, we have extended the voting period for the Community Choice award until February 1. Take 5 minutes (or hours…) to play some magnificent games and vote your favorites for the Game On Community Choice award. We will be randomly selecting three lucky voters and send you a special-edition Mozilla Labs Game On swag pack

Ref: http://mozillalabs.com/gaming/2011/01/27/your-game-on-finalists-35-great-open-web-games/

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Jan 292011

tuxThe script command is part of the util-linux-ng package and so should be available already installed in any distribution, or you should be able to easily add it.

What’s script ?

From his man page:

Script makes a typescript of everything printed on your terminal. It is useful for students who need a hardcopy record of an interactive session as proof of an assignment, as the type script file can be printed out later with lpr.

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