Jan 222011

collageIt happens every now and then you have a set of photos and you want to do with them  a background image with a collage of them, or perhaps a mosaic, it’s possible in Linux?

Sure there are Gimp and Picasa that among the many features that give even offer these options, but there are other programs, perhaps smaller and simpler to just make this work?

Once again, Linux does not disappoint, and today I want to present three projects to create photo collages.

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Jan 192011

pcal-sample-monthlyThanks to a message on identi.ca I ve saw this program usable from the command line that allows you to easily create custom desk calendars, marked with the dates that interest you and with the ability to add pictures to one (or more) special days.

I’m talking of pcal shipped with anothe calendar programming lcal

PCAL and LCAL are calendar-generation programs which produce nice-looking PostScript output.

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Jan 192011

bandwOne element that is often not know, or that should be measured after a problem statement or after a change in the infrastructure is the network . But how do you accurately measure the speed between two servers?

Someone use ftp, scp or other file transfer protocols, these can give some indication, but probably you’ll measure the limit of your disks or CPU.

In this article I will show you 3 way to measure the bandwidth from the command line, without using the disks.
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Jan 182011

awkAwk has always been for me a source of great hatred and love, isan incredibly powerful command with which it is possible to build real programs.

In this article I will give you 6 examples ready for use with your preferred terminal.

AWK is a data driven programming language designed for processing text-based data, either in files or data streams. It is an example of a programming language that extensively uses the string datatype, associative arrays (that is, arrays indexed by key strings), and regular expressions.

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Jan 162011

tuxrayI had recently problems with servers running application server Java and suddenly began to see strange errors like “broken pipe” or exausted resources, this is often due to the high number of open files that a modern server can bind especially compared to the default Linux systems that is still standing at 1024.

Let’s see how many open files are present on our system and how to resolve, or better to prevent this problem.
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