Jan 132014

I use ssh everyday and it’s my main tool to connect and manage servers, so I’m always interested in articles about ssh.
Today I present an interesting article on this subject, written by Corey Quinn and posted on the sysadvent blog

Every year or two, I like to look back over my client’s SSH configuration file and assess what I’ve changed.

This year’s emphasis has been on a few options that center around session persistence. I’ve been spending a lot of time on the road this year, using SSH to log into remote servers over terrible hotel wireless networks. As a result, I’ve found myself plagued by SSH session resets. This can be somewhat distracting when I’m in the midst of a task that requires deep concentration— or in the middle of editing a configuration file without the use of screen or tmux.

ServerAliveInterval 60

This triggers a message from the client to the server every sixty seconds requesting a response, in the event that data haven’t been received from the server in that time. This message is sent via SSH’s encrypted channel.

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Jan 062014

An interesting and detailed howto on apt, first posted on linux mint community tutorials

Intro by Wikipedia:

The Advanced Packaging Tool, or APT, is a free user interface that works with core libraries to handle the installation and removal of software on the Debian GNU/Linux distribution and its variants. APT simplifies the process of managing software on Unix-like computer systems by automating the retrieval, configuration and installation of software packages.

When you launch Software Manager or Update Manager or Synaptic Package Manager, you’re using APT via different GUIs. But you can control APT even via command lines in an easy and quick way.

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Jan 032014

In the past I’ve published some articles regarding how to download music from youtube with the program YouTube to MP3, or videos with the programs xVideoServiceThief and flareget, they all accomplish the work with graphical interfaces, and this can be a great plus for many users, but others could prefer a simple command line program that can easily download videos and optionally extract the audio in a specific format: youtube-dl.

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Dec 312013

Today I present an interesting aritcle on Bad Blocks, first published on http://virtualprivateserver.castlegem.co.uk/

Hardware fails, that is a fact. Nowadays, hard drives are rather reliable, but nevertheless every now and then we will see drives failing or at least having hiccups. Using smartcl/smartd to monitor disks is a good thing, below we will discuss how some lesser issues can be handled without actually having to reboot the system – it is still up to a sys admin’s own discretion to judge circumstances correctly and evaluate whether disk errors encountered are a one time incident or indicative of an entirely failing disk.

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Dec 302013

Probably everyone that use a terminal know the command grep, from its man page:

grep searches the named input FILEs (or standard input if no files are named, or if a single hyphen-minus (-) is given as file name) for lines containing a match to the given PATTERN. By default, grep prints the matching lines.

So this is the best tool to search in big file for a specific pattern, or a specific process in the complete list of running processes, but it has a small limit, it searches for the exact string that you ask, and sometime it could be useful to do an “approximate” or “fuzzy” search.

For this goal the program agrep was firstly developed, from wikipedia we can see some detail of this software:

agrep (approximate grep) is a proprietary approximate string matching program, developed by Udi Manber and Sun Wu between 1988 and 1991, for use with the Unix operating system. It was later ported to OS/2, DOS, and Windows.

It selects the best-suited algorithm for the current query from a variety of the known fastest (built-in) string searching algorithms, including Manber and Wu’s bitap algorithm based on Levenshtein distances.

agrep is also the search engine in the indexer program GLIMPSE. agrep is free for private and non-commercial use only, and belongs to the University of Arizona.

So it’s closed source, but luckily there is an open source source alternative: tre-agrep
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