Apr 202013

This is the translation of an article by Roberto Ferramosca, published in Italian on lffl.org, a great Italian Blog about Linux and Open source.

One of the main features of Linux is to provide a complete and functional operating system that can completely work also on dated PC where Windows XP has now become too old and the new Windows 7 requires too many resources.
Linux can revive pc set aside because the hardware is no longer supported by Microsoft operating system and so providing a fast, complete and secure environment.
On GNU/Linux there are many desktop environments some specially designed to be lightweight but at the same time they offer customization, effects etc..
In this article we will see some of the “light” desktop environments for Linux, the consumption of resources required and how to install them.
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Apr 152013

I’ve received this news from proxmox press office, I really like their effort and their product and so I’ve decided to post their press release that celebrate their 5th anniversary:

Proxmox Virtual Environment, the open-source server vitualization platform, is celebrating its 5th anniversary today. When Vienna Proxmox Server Solutions launched the first version of Proxmox VE V0.9 on April 15, 2008 – exactly five years ago – the software was the first open-source solution providing an integrated GUI for KVM and container-virtualization. With this approach IT administrators can manage their KVM and OpenVZ containers easily via a web-based interface. In the last five years Proxmox VE has become the mainstream open-source business alternative to commercial virtualization platforms like VMware vSphere, Microsoft Hyper-V, Oracle VM or Citrix XenServer.

According to Proxmox, today 40.000 hosts in more than 140 countries worldwide use Proxmox VE – with a continued growth of its user base. The GUI is available in more than 16 languages and the support forum states over 20,000 members. Proxmox Server Solutions offers several levels of support subscription plans for business-use, ranging between 120 and 800 Euros per year.

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Apr 142013

Sometimes can be useful to have a small program that you can run from the command line and able to do a screenshot of your desktop or just a portion of it, for this task the perfect software is: scrot

Scrot (SCReenshOT) is a screen capture utility using the imlib2 library to aquire and save images. scrot has a few really interesting options, detailed below. The basic usage is to specify a [file] as the filename to save the screenshot to and scrot will take a screenshot of the whole desktop.
The latest release (0.8) has almost 10 years, still this small program can be useful for his ability to be run completely from the command line and so you could use it to concatenate other commands or just because it’s really lightweight and easy to use.

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Apr 122013

Article by Dan Nanni first published on xmodulo.com

As a system administrator, Linux security technician or system auditor, your responsibility can involve any combination of these: software patch management, malware scanning, file integrity checks, security audit, configuration error checking, etc. If there is an automatic vulnerability scanning tool, it can save you a lot of time checking up on common security issues.

One such vulnerability scanner on Linux is lynis. This tool is actually supported on multiple platforms including CentOS, Debian, Fedora, FreeBSD, Mac OS and Ubuntu.

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