Feb 202013

Perhaps this is really the year of gaming on Linux, if you are reading this post probably you are interested in gaming and Linux, and I’ve got a good news for you : there is a big sale of games for Linux on Steam until FEB 21, 10AM PST.


They are all closed source games, and you must pay for them (well almost for all) but I’m not contrary to this by principle and I see in this sale a big opportunity to help other user to drop their second partition with a windows and switch totally to Linux.

Which games are available ?
A lot, really, let’s see a look at some of my favorite.

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Feb 182013

An interesting small and quick, cheat sheet for the command dig found on http://www.hackersgarage.com/

DigDomain Information Groper is a light weight Linux utility for querying DNS records. It is widely used to diagnose DNS servers, troubleshoot DNS servers, purge DNS Cache using external DNS server and dozen of great features it provides.

Here i am sharing quick cheat sheet of dig – DNS Lookup utility that every System/Network administrator should have print out at their desk.

In these examples, is a Google Public DNS Server that you can use in /etc/resolv.conf

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Feb 172013

Recently I’ve made some researches for a good ERP software, open source of course, and so I want to share some of the product I’ve found while doing this small search. As first thing a definition for ERP:

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems integrate internal and external management information across an entire organization—embracing finance/accounting, manufacturing, sales and service, customer relationship management, etc. ERP systems automate this activity with an integrated software application. The purpose of ERP is to facilitate the flow of information between all business functions inside the boundaries of the organization and manage the connections to outside stakeholders

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Feb 152013

As I wrote more than 2 years ago, the network tools (often referred as net-tools) ifconfig, netstat and route that should be familiar to anyone that has worked with a terminal, have been deprecated in favour of the iproute2 suite from some years.

iproute2 is intended to replace this entire suite of legacy Unix networking tools that were previously used for the tasks of configuring network interfaces, routing tables, and managing the ARP table, but which have not been developed since 2001.

You can find some examples of the usage of the iproute commands on my articles about:

Policy routing
Socket Statistics on Linux
MAC Address Managment on Linux

And today I want to share with you some of the most useful commands that you can use with this “new” suite of commands and the translation of some old commands that we were all used to use on the terminal.
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Feb 102013

It’s useful for me to have a transparent terminal in the background that show information from one or more system logs, such as dmesg,messages or get an interactive process status of the system with htop or glances, there are many ways to achieve this, let’s take a look at: xrootconsole, Tilda and Eterm. Continue reading »

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