It’s from some time that I don’t post about the most read articles on Linuxaria, and so today I present you a small list of the top 7 articles of the last 3 months published on Linuxaria, and that perhaps you have missed, in that case this is a good chance to read them.
In a former article I’ve wrote about the command locate
, an useful command to find quickly a file in your computer.
An alternative to locate
is the command find
: GNU find searches the directory tree rooted at each given file name by evaluating the given expression from left to right, according to the rules of precedence, until the outcome is known (the left hand side is false for and operations, true for or), at which point find
use the defined action and moves on to the next file name.
can use many options to compose an expression and as standard action it print in the standard output the file name that match the expression. Continue reading »