Jan 052012

IVI (In-Vehicle Infotainment) systems are systems that provide entertainment, navigation and networked computing services in cars, planes, buses and trucks. Many car manufacturers are at a fast-pace viewing these types of systems in separating their products from the competition. Passengers and drivers alike are expecting the same, high-caliber technology in cars they see on mobile computers in their cars. Cars are becoming more than ever before connected to the Internet. The demand for these services is increasing and MeeGo is rising to the challenge, accelerating the pace of innovation in IVI and car entertainment.

The MeeGo IVI software platform was created to provide entertaining and rich Internet experiences for cars. Meego IVI is based on the foundation that was created by Moblin IVI for CE device management, car connectivity and rich multimedia.

The last release of MeeGo v1.2 for In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI) has been released on: 19 May 2011
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Jan 042012

The first days of the new year are a good moment to look back at the past year and see what have been the most read articles of the site, this is also a good opportunity for you to read (or re-read) them. And, a bit late, but i wish you all a Happy New Year.


10 – How to run commands in the background

Suppose you have a long-running task (for example, compiling a large program) that you need to run, but you also want to get some other work done. Linux lets you start a task in the background and keep on doing other things from the command prompt.

We will see in this article how to send commands in the background, then return them to the foreground, and make sure that also closing the current shell or terminal the process doesn’t remains tied to the session but continue to work.

An alternative to these command is using screen, as read in a former article, but now let’s seethe command bg and the spacial character &

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Jan 032012


Article by Ankur Aggarwal, owner of the Blog http://flossstuff.wordpress.com

Sometimes we want our Linux box to speak to/for us.This ability is very useful to make announcements and alerts in case of many critical events in our machines or can be used just for sheer fun. There exists a command line synthesized known as eSpeak that comes pre installed in Ubuntu. You can also install it on debian systems by typing the command sudo apt-get install espeak in a command console .For all other operating systems you can install it from source available at http://espeak.sourceforge.net/download.html

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Jan 012012

I think that a lot of computer user are now used to the concept of copy on the “Cloud”, with tools like Dropbox or Ubuntu One, you can have the same file saved in multiple computers (also with a different operating system) and at the same time have a copy of it on the Cloud.
Usually you get some free space to start and if you need more you have to pay a monthly or yearly price, but these concepts where already there and available for Linux with Unison.

Unison is a file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows. It allows two replicas of a collection of files and directories to be stored on different hosts (or different disks on the same host), modified separately, and then brought up to date by propagating the changes in each replica to the other.

The latest stable version, is 2.40.63. It is available as source code and precompiled binaries for Linux, Win32 and Mac OS X.
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Dec 312011

Sometimes in my small shell script i’ve to do some math, usually nothing too complex but it’s useful to do the math inside the bash script. Bash it’s really complete and among the many builtin functions there are also some mathematical functions.

Using the syntax $((expression)) you can evaluate the expression. Operations allowed are quite a few. From  man bash:

The shell allows arithmetic expressions to be evaluated, under certain circumstances. Evaluation is done in fixed-width integers with no check for overflow, though division by 0 is trapped and flagged as an error. The operators and their precedence, asso ciativity, and values are the same as in the C language.
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