Oct 112011

I’m usually for the old school methods: go down to the terminal and get all the information you need from there, terminal don’t tells lies.
But i also understand that with the cheap price that i see around for the VPS more people are starting to use Linux VPS for their service, and a graphical dashboard can be really useful for many VPS owner.

In a former article i’ve wrote about 4 software that can help you in the management of your Linux server, today we’ll see a simple tool that can be used to know via your browser the status to all of your servers.

The software it’s Status2K

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Oct 102011

Sometimes it happen to have the need of check what’s inside a .tar.gz file archive or perhaps you just need to extract a couple of files from another archive, this is possible you just have to remember all the flags or simply extract all in /tmp and then discard the files that you don’t need.

But there is also a smarter way to do this, use archivemount
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Oct 082011

As many of you know the most used packages on GNU/Linux are deb and rpm.

deb is the extension of the Debian software package format and the most often used name for such binary packages.
Debian packages are standard Unix ar archives that include two gzipped, bzipped or lzmaed tar archives: one that holds the control information and another that contains the data.
The accepted program for handling these packages is dpkg, commonly used via other programs such as apt/aptitude or Gdebi.

RPM Package Manager (RPM) is a package management system. The name RPM variously refers to the .rpm file format, files in this format, software packaged in such files, and the package manager itself. RPM was intended primarily for GNU/Linux distributions; the file format is the baseline package format of the Linux Standard Base.

Originally developed by Ethan “E$” Cohen at Red Hat for Red Hat Linux, RPM is now used by many GNU/Linux distributions. It has also been ported to some other operating systems, such as Novell NetWare and IBM’s AIX.

Debian packages can be converted into other packages and vice versa using alien
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Oct 072011

This is my small top 7 of the most read articles from Linuxaria in the month of September, it’s your opportunity to read them if you missed them during last month.

7 – Pipes: what are they and Example of Use

Unix based operating systems like Linux offer a unique approach to join two commands on the terminal, with it you can take the output of the first command and use it as input of the second command, this is the concept of pipe or | . Pipes allow two separate process to communicate with each other also if they were not created to do it, so this open an infinite series of opportunity.

A basic example is:

ls -l | grep rwxrwxrwx

This command will print the list of all the files in the local directory that have permission rwxrwxrwx (or that have rwxrwxrwx in their name).

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Oct 052011

cardinal_questThanks to http://www.gamingonlinux.com/ i’ve discovered that Cardinal Quest was released freely for a limited time from Gameolith, (not free anymore sorry, i hope you have read my tweet on this offer), and so i’ve grab this opportunity to test this Indie Game.

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