Mar 022012

I’m glad to have another post of Tcat Houser editor-in-chief of

With Apple’s big announcement for March 7, it seemed appropriate to look at the *NIX derivative BSD on which OS X and IOS are based. Specifically, were going to take on file system. And looking with the skeptical view of how American public corporations tend to work in the best interests of their shareholders. Have you ever examined the file format options available in OS X and Windows? The tale gets interesting.

In the beginning, there was DOS. Okay, before that it was UNIX. A real network operating system. I do not think we need to going to the story about why we have Linux. And in our timeline Linux is not even in the twinkle of an eye for Linus T. So the options were (at the microcomputer level) , CP/M. Created by Gary Kendall. Yes, he had an LP/M , kind of, sort of, started for Intel microprocessors. And the Zilog microprocessor was King, as was CP/M.

It is a matter of historical fact that IBM flew out from New York to California to meet with Mr. Kendall about licensing, CP/M. There is much conjecture and nothing of formal record as to what happened. More precisely, what did not happen.
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May 312011

tux 3.0Linus Torvalds has announced to the world that the next Kernel release will be the 3.0:

From Linus Torvalds <>
Date Sun, 29 May 2011 18:30:32 -0700
Subject Linux 3.0-rc1
Yay! Let the bikeshed painting discussions about version numbering begin (or at least re-start).

I decided to just bite the bullet, and call the next version 3.0. It will get released close enough to the 20-year mark, which is excuse
enough for me, although honestly, the real reason is just that I can no longe rcomfortably count as high as 40

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