Nov 182013

Original article first published in Spanish on

Yesterday I ran into a problem in a SWAP partition on an Astaro Command Center, so I decided to restart with an Ubuntu CD, and my first attempt to repair the system was with the fsck command, but when trying to use it I got the message fsck.swap: command not found

So I check with the badblocks command that the partition had no bad blocks.

sudo badblocks -v /dev/sda2

The above command did not return any error, then searching the Internet I found this simple way to rebuild a damaged swap partition.

sudo swapoff /dev/sda2 
sudo mke2fs -c /dev/sda2

If the above commands do not report any problems and complete successfully, then continue with the following:

sudo mkswap /dev/sda2 
sudo swapon /dev/sda2

Ready, reboot and test, although this process is run in Astaro, applies to any Linux with a similar problem.

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  2 Responses to “Review and repair a Linux SWAP Partition”

  1. easier, faster, simpler to delete the faulty partition, recreate, and then swapon?
    gparted is your friend… but is it not on the Ubuntu CD?

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