Jan 132014

I use ssh everyday and it’s my main tool to connect and manage servers, so I’m always interested in articles about ssh.
Today I present an interesting article on this subject, written by Corey Quinn and posted on the sysadvent blog

Every year or two, I like to look back over my client’s SSH configuration file and assess what I’ve changed.

This year’s emphasis has been on a few options that center around session persistence. I’ve been spending a lot of time on the road this year, using SSH to log into remote servers over terrible hotel wireless networks. As a result, I’ve found myself plagued by SSH session resets. This can be somewhat distracting when I’m in the midst of a task that requires deep concentration— or in the middle of editing a configuration file without the use of screen or tmux.

ServerAliveInterval 60

This triggers a message from the client to the server every sixty seconds requesting a response, in the event that data haven’t been received from the server in that time. This message is sent via SSH’s encrypted channel.

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