Linux Terminal Application: Open Cubic Player

Linux Terminal Application: Open Cubic Player

An interesting article by Cirrus first posted on his blog Hi Again ill be writing about yet another TUI application, which will run with or without an X server. Those who know me are aware i prefer to use the console where possible, not because i wanna be l33t but merely because i find it […]

Productivity boosting with open source applications

Productivity is very important. With a boost in productivity we save time and we get more work done in short period. That is why today in factories the production lines are automated. Productivity boosting is also important in everyday computer usage. No matter if you are just an regular desktop user, power user, developer or […]

How To Setup a VPN in Ubuntu using OpenVPN

How To Setup a VPN in Ubuntu using OpenVPN

Guest post by Kerry Blake We love Linux and we love it for its open source nature, security, and powerful tools. There are a lot of free as well as commercial VPN solutions available for Ubuntu. We are not going to list or rank all the top VPN providers. We don’t necessarily want to rank them […]

Linux Terminal: How to color the output in bash scripts

Linux Terminal: How to color the output in bash scripts

An old article by Todd Partridge (Gently) but still really useful if you are writing some bash scripts and want them more readable with some colors: Users who have been using Linux for awhile often learn that creating a basic script is a good way to run multiple, often-repeated commands. Adding a little color to […]

Linux Terminal: sshfs, Remote directory over ssh

Often one wants a shared access to files across machines. Traditionally one uses the network file system (nfs). The network file server works as follows: There is an nfs server that exports some directories in its filesystem hiearchy to various nfs clients that mount these directory over the network into their file system hierarchy. As […]