Oct 072011

This is my small top 7 of the most read articles from Linuxaria in the month of September, it’s your opportunity to read them if you missed them during last month.

7 – Pipes: what are they and Example of Use

Unix based operating systems like Linux offer a unique approach to join two commands on the terminal, with it you can take the output of the first command and use it as input of the second command, this is the concept of pipe or | . Pipes allow two separate process to communicate with each other also if they were not created to do it, so this open an infinite series of opportunity.

A basic example is:

ls -l | grep rwxrwxrwx

This command will print the list of all the files in the local directory that have permission rwxrwxrwx (or that have rwxrwxrwx in their name).

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Sep 152011

In a former article i’ve show how to use Screen and Byobu, in short Screen is a full-screen window manager that multiplexes a physical terminal between several processes (typically interactive shells) while Byobu is an elegant enhancement of the otherwise functional, plain, practical GNU Screen. Byobu includes an enhanced profile and configuration utilities for the GNU screen window manager, such as toggle-able system status notifications.

But today we’ll see something similar, but different: Tmux Continue reading »

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