DNSCrypt, crypt your DNS request

DNSCrypt, crypt your DNS request

OpenDNS is a popular DNS provider used widely both in the server as in home desktop, one of the feature they provide to their customer is DNSCrypt, a security enhancement that should add protection against all DNS based attacks, such as cache poisoning. In the same way the SSL turns HTTP web traffic into HTTPS […]

Some submissions from the Zorin Contest

Some submissions from the Zorin Contest

Around a month ago we ( Zorin OS team, Linuxaria and DarkDuck) announced the winners of the Zorin Contest and we published their works on our sites. The Contest has been really successful and so, looking at all the works we have received, I’ve decided to publish on the Blog some more of them. These works are the result of the contest […]

Secure Boot: Red Hat and Canonical present their alternatives

Original article by Paul Castagnino, first published on usemoslinux.blogspot.it in spanish Secure Boot is a type of mechanism that verifies that the code executed is digitally signed. Thus the computer can only boot an operating system that has a bootloader properly signed. This is a requirement that Microsoft asked to put on computers the badge “Windows 8 […]

Microsoft lose at the unstoppable power of Linux! Linux 1 – Windows 0!

Article by Giuseppe Sanna The mythology and history tell us of great struggles between sworn enemies. David and Goliath, Caesar and Brutus, Robespierre and Louis XVI are only a few. But for some years now in addition to this huge list we have two big names in the information technology! The multinational Microsoft and the […]

XFCE 4.10 on Ubuntu 12.04

XFCE 4.10 on Ubuntu 12.04

I’m a Xubuntu user, and so i was a bit disappointed that for some days my Xubuntu 12.04 missed the 4.10 release of XFCE. Luckily there is an easy way to install this version of XFCE on Ubuntu, there is an PPA that can bring the new feature of XFCE in your Ubuntu  in few […]