Aug 312014

Some time ago I posted an article about a website and a service that was made to allow you to share your terminal records directly from the website.

Now the website of seems dead and so I’ve took a look around to see if there are similar websites and I’ve found

For what I can see from their homepage it’s a service similar to the other, so let’s test it.

Step 1 – Register on the website

Just register with a new username/password or use your github account to do it quickly.

Step 2 – download and install the program monitor

Monitor is a command-line tool that captures command-line input/output and sends it to, the program it’s open source and hosted on github.
Monitor makes it easy to automate set-up/install of repos. With it you can easily show at people the most common errors and output from commands.

In short with it you can easily share your commands and their output with the world.

To install it follow these simple steps:

1) Clone the github repository of this project, in this way you’ll get the latest source code.
To do this you need the git command installed on your system, if you get an error with this command install it with your package manager, such as

Debian based distributions:

apt-get install git

Redhat/Centos/Fedora distributions

yum install git

And now from a terminal clone the repository with:

 git clone

2) Install readline and curl, these libraries are a pre-requisite for building the program from the sources:

Debian based distributions:

apt-get install libreadline-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev

Redhat/Centos/Fedora distributions

yum install readline-devel curl-devel

3) Build the program:

To do this you have to go to the directory we just cloned with git and compile the c program:

cd monitor
sudo make install

The default installation will put the binary in /usr/local/bin


Step 3 – using the monitor command

The command monitor it’s pretty easy to use:

monitor {-d} {-h} {-u <username>}
    -d : do not delete /tmp files
    -h : help
    -u : username</username>

To exit the monitor program you just have to use ctrl-c.

So for me this means just opening a terminal and give these commands:

riccio@mint-desktop ~ $ monitor -u ricciocri
Successfully logged in...
AuthKey saved to /tmp/  Delete file to return to Anonymous posting.
monitor$ cd /tmp

Want to see which command I’ve used after these ?
I’ve made this session public (the default it’s private) so you can simply check this url:

From there you can see the commands I’ve used and their output, an interesting options it’s the “fold/expand” so you could fold all commands and just expand the output of the one you like more.


This is just the a basic startup guide, from the website you can make more “social” activity such as comment script/shell sessions, fork them or choose your favorites.

Like github, you can fork any public script/command and change it directly from the website and after that you can also get a public (or private url) that you can use to run directly your script with something like this:

curl | sh

That’s great to store on the net some scripts that you run frequently on different computers/server, as usual don’t put anything with passwords or sensible information on the net and you’ll be safe enough.

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  2 Responses to “How to share on linux the output of your shell commands”

  1. One of the differences between “monitor” and the standard linux “script” command is that monitor will capture diff’s from vi edits and add them to the shell script as a patch. Monitor will also filter out garbage characters that are normally present when running the “script” command. Monitor is meant as a 1-stop shop to capture, upload and share on the web and not a replacement for the linux script command.

  2. try “wgetpaste”, it will redirect everything from STDIN to pastebin or similar service

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