Oct 202014


Guest post by Richard Larson

Linux often seems like a breath of fresh air to Windows users. It’s free. It doesn’t have bloatware issues. You don’t have to pay for it. It has less malware and hacking issues because it’s less profitable and productive for the baddies to concentrate on an operating system with less users.

Did I mention it doesn’t cost anything?

Whatever the reason Linux looks good to you, you have to remember that Linux and Windows are two different animals. Windows is far more professionally polished and noob friendly. (It has to be. You paid for it.) While there are a few supported versions of Windows floating around, most users stick with the one that comes with their machines. On the hand, Linux has so many distributions, it’s hard to keep track sometimes. From the way you install programs to the amount of time you spend in a command prompt screen, it’s a different experience. Whether it’s a good experience or not depends on your preference.

What’s Your Hardware Situation?

So now that you realize that there are different distributions of Linux, make sure that you meet the hardware requirements for the one you’d like to use. Don’t just check the specs, either. If you’re serious about this you should test it out. Make a bootable USB drive of the Linux distribution you’d like to switch to and test how your hardware responds to it. Try spending an entire day using it.

Don’t forget your peripherals. Printers, mobile phones, and wireless mice can be a bit of a pain when switching to Linux. Not all of them support the platform and some simple refuse to work on it. You may need to spend extra time working out workarounds or find new equipment. Are you willing to do that? That’s a question you should answer before you make the switch.

Will All of Your Favorite Programs Work in Linux?

The biggest problem new users have with Linux is the fact that there are not as many programs that support Linux as those that support Windows. Certain programs like Adobe Photoshop or Microsoft Word don’t play well with Linux. There are workarounds of course. You might use an open source alternative, like OpenOffice or GIMP. You can also use Wine to run some Windows programs. But if you don’t research whether the programs you need can be run in Linux, you might find yourself in a position where the proprietary software you absolutely need to get stuff done is not supported.


How Comfortable Are You With Your Technical Skills

There is a lot of information out there on how to fix Windows operating problems. In a worst case scenario, you can actually call Microsoft for technical support. Linux is an open source platform. While there are certainly resources out there for Linux users, they represent a much smaller percentage of what’s available. And there is no hotline to call if you get stuck. You’ll have to do the research yourself. You should ask yourself how ready you are to deal with that.

Do you have the technical know-how necessary to identify and find a solution to any problems you might have? If you don’t, do you have the time and patience to learn? Even if you have found a solution, are you the type to spend a little (or a lot) of time working around a problem? If you don’t think you are, you might want to stick with Windows.

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  One Response to “Switching to Linux, Checklist”

  1. While there are certainly resources out there for Linux users, they represent a much smaller percentage of what’s available.

    It’s hard to know what this guy means by that: percentage of what? I find there is a wealth of information on-line for resolving Linux issues. Google is the first place to try; its results very often lead to solutions to common problems. Live support is available through IRC on the freenode network, and there is no wading through automated menus, hold times, or license key verification hurdles to jump. Help is available for Ubuntu on its own forums. LinuxQuestions.org is a more general site with experts ready to help with any distribution. Reddit has its /r/linux4noobs and /r/linuxquestions subs, and there are many more.

    As a checklist, this guest post sucks. It provides no real information at all. Instead, it drums up some nebulous claims and warns the user about Linux’s technical aspects without providing a single solitary source of help. This comment has more information than the guest post does.

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