Feb 012012

Disks are becoming cheaper and so it’s becoming common to have on our desk an external (usually USB) hard drive with a size of 1TB or more.
Now, once that we bring at home our new gadget the first question for us is: “which Filesystem should i use with this big disk ?”

There are a lot of options and the main point is once again a simple question: do you want to use this disk with several different operating systems ?
Perhaps you have a computer with a dual-boot with a Windows operating system , or perhaps you plan to use that external hard drive also with your Macbook…or connect it to a TV.

Let’s take a look at some options you have to suit your needs. Continue reading »

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Dec 062011

Recently I’ve discovered this great program that helps a lot to avoid one of my worst nightmare, to have a lot of packages installed from the sources, and lose track of them in my system, how ?

CheckInstall keeps track of all files installed by a “make install” or equivalent, creates a Slackware, RPM, or Debian package with those files, and adds it to the installed packages database, allowing for easy package removal or distribution.

That a dream come true for me, and probably other system administrators.

Let’s see how to use it.
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Nov 282011

I hope this brief guide will be useful to others as it has been helpful to me, I found it on Lilis a site where there are useful guides published by Linux enthusiasts.

Mini guide to clone 2 PC without any special tools.
With two Linux livecd, can be anything you like the only requirement is the support to the network, you can proceed using the command “dd” and transferring the data over the network with the comand “netcat“.
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Nov 012011

After many years of administration of Unix/Linux systems and using bash for many tasks i’ve discovered the command tac, the contrary of cat,
What this command do it’s to concatenate and print files in reverse order, it writes each file to standard output, last line first.

bash$ cat file1.txt
This is the line 1.
This is the line 2.
bash$ tac file1.txt
This is the line 2.
This is the line 1.

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Oct 242011

splashtee Teeworlds is a free open source fast-paced sidescrolling multiplayer-only computer game. The game features simple cartoon-themed graphics and physics, and relies heavily on classic shooter weaponry and gameplay. The controls are heavily inspired by the First-person shooter genre of computer games.

The latest release (0.6.1) was on July 31, 2011, and the game is still under active development. As of version 0.4.0, the game’s and website’s name changed from Teewars to the current Teeworlds with the developers citing unspecified legal reasons. Continue reading »

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