Mar 132013

Master PDF Editor is a free tool for personal use on Linux systems, it is not open source, but is an option to consider for the tasks involving editing and modifying pdf files.
It is a complete solution for creating and editing both PDF and XPS files, and lets you add content to existing PDF and XPS files. You can add, edit, import, add images. You can also add text, or edit it. Similarly, you can add or remove pages, change the format of the pages, and of course change the PDF information, author, title, subject, keywords and other information about the document.

Besides these features, you can also encrypt and convert PDF files to XPS format.

Another interesting feature of this application is that it lets you create and edit forms, from buttons, combo boxes, list boxes, text entry boxes and more.

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Mar 092013


Article based on an Italian article published on .

CPU-Z is a freeware system profiler (system monitor) application for Microsoft Windows (for all versions from Windows XP on) that detects the central processing unit, RAM, motherboard chipset, and other hardware features of a modern personal computer, and presents the information in one window.

But don’t worry in Linux there are many alternative, and in the past I’ve presented 3 command line commands that you can use to get information on your Linux box: lsusb, lspci and lshw and a graphical alternative hardinfo.

Today I’m glad to present you 2 more graphical tools specific to gather information about the CPU: CPU-G and I-Nex

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Mar 052013

Article from Tcat Houser editor-in-chief of

It is probably a fair bet that as long as humans are Homo sapiens we are going to see forking of our binaries. As with most things there are both reasons to cheer and have a feeling of doom. Here we are going to look at the three most popular Office Suites: OpenOffice, LibreOffice, and Microsoft Office.

Unless you are a student of history or like me, are a human fossil, you would not know there was a day when Microsoft was the rebel camp. Data was chained in silos, hidden behind glass walls and maintained by high priests. It was also very expensive. A user had to go to a high priest and beg for services.

Microsoft was the rebel leader with a very low-cost operating system and programming language. It grew up to become the benevolent dictator. Somewhere along the way it lost the word, benevolent.
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Feb 172013

Recently I’ve made some researches for a good ERP software, open source of course, and so I want to share some of the product I’ve found while doing this small search. As first thing a definition for ERP:

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems integrate internal and external management information across an entire organization—embracing finance/accounting, manufacturing, sales and service, customer relationship management, etc. ERP systems automate this activity with an integrated software application. The purpose of ERP is to facilitate the flow of information between all business functions inside the boundaries of the organization and manage the connections to outside stakeholders

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Feb 042013


Most of this post is based on the information found in the blog of Nicolargo, the author of this tool.

Glances is a free software (licensed under LGPL) to monitor your GNU/Linux or BSD operating system from a text interface. Glances uses the library libstatgrab to retrieve information from your system and it is developed in Python.

So another top/htop clone ?

Yes and no, an unique thing about glances that I’ve immediately seen is that you can configure thresholds in its configuration file and see the status of your system resources with colors that indicates if everything is fine or not, at a glance.
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