Nov 012012

Thanks to Ivan Zini and the Linux Day held at Bologna the last Saturday I’ve discovered a new interesting tool for managing Virtual machines: Proxmox Ve

Most of the images and information are taken from the presentation of Ivan, this is available online (in Italian) at the Erlug Linux Day page.

Proxmox Ve is an Open Source project developed and maintained by Proxmox Server Solutions GmbH in Austria under the auspices of the Internet foundation of Austria (IPA) and it’s released under the GNU General public license 3. It is a solution based on Debian 6 Squeeze at 64 bit, which duly “customized”, allows to create a virtualization environment of type “bare metal” based on OpenVZ and KVM technologies. Continue reading »

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Oct 132012

I’ve received this article of Jay Turla as guest post, and so I gladly publish it:

There’s a new GNU/Linux distro designed to help you in every aspect of your mobile forensics, mobile malware analysis, reverse engineering and security testing. It’s called Santoku Linux. Santoku is a general purpose kitchen knife which originated from Japan, meaning “three virtues” or “three uses”. This distribution is not from Japan, but the name was suggested by Thomas Cannon of viaForensics (who happens to be the project leader of Santoku Linux) because the distribution was crafted specifically for Mobile Forensics, Mobile Malware Analysis, and Mobile Security Testing. The current alpha release is based on a fork of the OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) MobiSec Ubuntu distro thus making this alpha release an OWASP MobiSec Remix (released under GPL) with added tools from viaForensics and some of its contributors or supporters. This project or platform is sponsored and launched by viaForensics which is a known and very innovative digital forensics and security firm that focuses or specializes on computer and mobile forensics, mobile application security, enterprise security, information security and penetration testing, and forensics training.

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Oct 102012

If you love RPG (role-playing game) and you think that there is no future for these games on Linux this post is for you.
In this post I’ll show you 4 NEW RPG games, they are all developed from the scratch to run on our beloved Penguin: Questverse, Hale, Dawn, Flare and Arakion

Just a small warning they are projects in the making, so none of them is still ready to be fully played, but if you like this genre just read on, you’ll not be disappointed.

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Sep 292012

If you are having problems with getting good educational software that is affordable, then think again because Linux is here for you. Okay what a lot of people are not aware of is that there is a lot of wonderful educational software that can be used on the Linux operating system. Of course Linux as you may already know is open source and freely distributed, which means that it is also free. Now here is a list of the different educational software that you can use on the Linux operating system.

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Sep 262012

Sometimes I find a long and interesting video on youtube or vimeo about Linux events or presentations, documentaries or movies that I’d like to see in a second moment, maybe when I’m offline or from my TV that has an usb port but no wireless. There are dozen of extensions for Firefox and Chrome to do this kind of task, but today I’ve found an interesting program that can download a video from a long list of website and convert that video into another format: xVideoServiceThief

xVideoServiceThief (a.k.a xVST) is an open source tool for downloading your favourite video clips from a lot of video websites (currently supports 93 websites ) and it also provide you the ability to convert each video in themost popular formats: AVI, MPEG1, MPEG2, WMV, MP4, 3GP, MP3 file formats.
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