Jul 132014


Sometimes it’s useful to know which components you are using on a GNU/Linux computer or server, you can go with the long way, taking a look at the boot message for all the hardware discovered, use some terminal commands such as lsusb,lspci or lshw or some graphical tools such as hardinfo (my favourite graphical tool) or Inex/CPU-G.

But I’ve discovered on my Linux Mint, that, by default, I’ve now a new option: inxi

inxi it’s a full featured system information script wrote in bash, that easily will show on a terminal all the info of your system.

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Jul 102014

A content management system (CMS is a computer application that allows publishing, editing and modifying content, organizing, deleting as well as maintenance from a central interface. CMS’s are often used to run websites containing blogs, news, and shopping. Many corporate and marketing websites use CMS’s. CMS’s typically aim to avoid the need for hand coding, but may support it for specific elements or entire pages.

Some of the most famous open source CMS are Worpress (I use it to run linuxaria.com), Drupal and Joomla, they are (IMO) 3 old and solid CMS that can handle the majority of the needs, but there are much more open source CMS solutions and today I want to show you 4 less known solutions

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Jun 172014

Bravada Bravada is the new game from Ukraine developers Interbellum Team that features a cheery little story. This game differ from most of the others for it’s gameplay, in short it’s a mix of a vertical scroller with RPG and turn based strategic game.

Story and Setting:

The game follows the story of a young dwarf who has yet to acquire his own beard and dreams of having his own adventures. When he is awoken from his dreams his only adventure is looking after chickens but all is not what they seem when he enters the chicken coop. The chickens were being mind controlled and they attacked him on sight. Its up to him to save the chickens and slay the slimes that are controlling them. This is only the beginning of our young heroe’s story and the mystery of why he hasn’t grown a beard will be revealed in a humorous tale. The story will take you to many different locations based on different locales including forests, beaches, caves and dungeons. The story is told using hand drawn cutscenes and Zelda style voice acting (grunts and hums).
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May 062014

YrminsulHave you had enough of nice and friendly heroes? Then become the villain of the piece! Get your own back on the pathetic forces of the good and make them finally understand that evil is something to be taken seriously, and must be well done. Resist their combined attacks during a game combining strategy and Tower Defense phases in a persistent universe. Make their islands, which make up this boring haven of peace, fall one by one. Evil spirits, boastfulness and a tendency towards machievelic laughter will finally be rewarded through a title which renews the codes of the genre. You can find all of this and a great cartoon style graphics in this new title (it’s been released on 16 of April for Linux): Yrminsul, the game has been developed by an French Indie software house: Studio Black Flag Let’s see some more about this game. Continue reading »

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Apr 052014

lanius announce
Faster Than Light was one of my favourites games for 2013, and now they have just released a free expansion : Advanced Edition.

FTL: Advanced Edition is a major update that adds features to the original and is a free download for players who already own the original. It was released on Thursday, April 3, 2014

Faster Than Light (more commonly known as FTL) is a top-down, real-time strategy game on Steam, made by indie team Subset Games. The player takes control of the crew in a space vessel that’s in possession of critical information that must be delivered to an allied fleet several sectors away. However, to make the game more challenging, you are pursued by a large rebel fleet in every sector.

In keeping the story simple, the team has been able to create an in depth management system. You must maintain the ship when it’s damaged and make difficult decisions when under attack. For example, jumping in the middle of battle or taking energy from one source to power a weapon.

Jumping is how the player moves through the game, and, in some circumstances, the player may be near death, but can still escape battle. You will, of course, have encounters with the rebels. These are real-time, ship-on-ship battles which are the core of Faster Than Light’s gameplay, and, on quite a few occasions, the tension is increased through forcing you to make split-second decisions at every turn.
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