Aug 022011

As usual, in the beginning of the month I present to you the 7 most read articles of the previous month.

7 – Linux system info, cheat sheet

This is a small collection of commands that can give you information on a Linux computer.
Most of this commands can be run as non-privileged user, but more information can be obtained if (and should be) run as root:
General system information:

# uname -a

List all hardware

 lshw |less

Alternative with Gtk frontend


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Jul 312011

Original article by Dominik Zajac published on his blog

In the time of free wifi and free internet connections in every hotel, bar or cafe you should be sure your connections are secure. In some cases you can’t trust the connection but you need to go online and read some mails or share some documents. In this case some basic tools like SSH and Firefox can help you to build a secure connection to a known computer in the internet you can trust (for example your own root server).
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Jul 302011

tux-gameA turn-based strategy (TBS) game is a strategy game (usually some type of wargame, especially a strategic-level wargame) where players take turns when playing. This is distinguished from real time strategy where all players play simultaneously.

Years ago this was the most common type of strategic games, but there are still a lot of nice games turn-based, and today we’ll see some games of this type.
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Jul 282011

Thruk In these days I’m testing an alternative web interface for Nagios : Thruk
The First impression is definitely positive, and so I decided to share this information so more people can know and use this software.

Thruk is an independent multibackend monitoring webinterface which currently supports NagiosIcinga and Shinken as backend using the MKLivestatus addon.

It is designed to be a “dropin” replacement. The target is to cover 100% of the original features plus additional enhancements for large installations.

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