Jul 182011

Today i present you some programs, not installed by default, that i use in my day by day work and in my free time on my Linux computers.

Granola Granola is an application that is used to save energy on your desktop or server. Granola saves energy by applying dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) to the CPU, so when you browse the net or you use a word processor the CPU frequency is scaled down and you save a bit of energy.

So a requisite for granola it’s hardware support for Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS). DVFS is available on most modern Intel and AMD processors, but may require being enabled in your computer’s BIOS (read this page for information on known models). If DVFS is not available, or turned off, Granola will let you know when it attempts to start up for the first time.

Granola download and usage are free up to five systems per profile. You have to register to the site to track the consumption and especially the savings obtained. From the sixth you must purchase a business license.

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Jul 172011

centosOn 10 July CentOS 6 has been, finally, released.
CentOS-6.0 is based on the upstream release of Red Hat EL 6.0 and includes packages from all variants. All upstream repositories have been combined into one, to make it easier for end users to work with.

CentOS stands for Community ENTerprise Operating System and it exists to provide a free enterprise class computing platform and strives to maintain 100% binary compatibility with its upstream distribution, in this case Red Hat EL 6.
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Jul 162011

twi-ide I’m a bit late this month, so this time I’ll propose you the top 10 article published on Linuxaria in May and June 2011.

10 – 6 Microblogging clients for Linux

After the social networks the new trend on the Net it’s the microblogging, choose your style: Twitter, identi.ca, Picotea or something else but at the moment this is a must for the internet addicted, or just for keeping in touch with all the news you are interested in or just with your friends.
So, while it’s always possible to use your favorite browser to keep in touch with all these messages, today we’ll see some Micro-blogging clients on Linux.
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Jul 142011

ububox-salentosArticle by Gabriele
After about a month of work and various tests I’m proud to make public the result of this commitment:

UbuBox “SalentOS” live 11.04.

The idea to make a personal operating system, flashed in my head for quite some time, but for one reason or another I never managed to get to work seriously on such a project. In these days I decided to commit myself “full time” to it and I did it, also pushed by the wave of news that are coming in the world of the penguin! I did not, initially, planned to make UbuBox “SalentOS” public. Then, along the way, thanks to the advice of some friends and the realization that the system satisfy me, I said “Who knows … maybe this could satisfy someone else too. Why not make it public?”. Continue reading »

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