Jun 242011

griff-boa-launch In a previous post i’ve presented you 3 space games, today i add one to that list: Oolite

Oolite is a space sim game, inspired by Elite, powered by Objective-C and OpenGL, and designed as a small game that is easy for users to pick up, modify and expand upon. Almost every aspect of the game can be changed by using simple, free graphics packages and text editors.
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Jun 242011

chainbreakSometimes happen that you find a sequence of links, and so you should start to follow them to see exactly what command are you about to run, or the directory used in that symbolic link, or you can use readlink.

readlink it’s contained in the package coreutils, so you should already have it.

The basic usage is readlink symbolic link and this give as output the full path of the real file following all the symbolic links.
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Jun 242011

tuxOn our server we have (or you should have) tons of logs generated, logs from various daemons (ssh, iptables, monit, fail2ban), services (apache. nginx, bind, ftp, etc.) and system logs (syslog, messages, kernel).

So i’m sure that every day you check these logs and look if something bad has happened, right ?

Well, perhaps i’m more lazy, but i prefer to use an automatic log scanner, and among many an old good program is Logcheck Continue reading »

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Jun 222011


I’ve received some information from Jean-Michel regarding DoudouLinux a project he’s leading, you can read an interview with him and more info on Doudou in a former article.

I’ve browsed a bit their site and i’ve also noticed a new and better graphic and much more info on how to setup and use this distribution, but now these are the information i got from Jean-Michel:

You probably know that my project DoudouLinux is still alive and, much more than that, really active! Indeed we have just released our first version officially tagged as stable (not that previous ones were instable 😉 ).

Its name is DoudouLinux 1.0 Gondwana and it is available in 15 officially supported languages, using 5 different alphabets.

As you proposed me months ago to tell you about our achievements, I’m back to explain what we did. Of course I’d be very glad if you take some time to tell the world about the evolution of our project. Please note that we now have 3 Italian contributors and I’m pleased to announce that you can already browse several Italian pages on our website :):

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Jun 212011

iconv Today post is by Juan Valencia, originally posted on his blog (available also in spanish there), i’ve found it really interesting with in deep articles regarding rsync,ssh and other commands.

When you receive and need to handle multiple text files that use characters that are not natural to the English language, you may run into the problem that is dealing with different character encodings. This is particularly noticeable in websites, where if the browser try to interpret the text file with an encoding that differs from the actual encoding that the file is using, we can see strange symbols where this characters were supposed to show, but it is not limited to websites, any program that is made to work with languages other than English may present a similar problem if it is not appropriately handled.

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