Jun 302011

untangle-logoUntangle it’s a software appliance (based on Debian) that can help you in managing your network from content security to web caching, remote access to policy enforcement, all from one simple, drag & drop command center.

Untangle is a privately held company that provides an open source network gateway for small businesses. They offer the core modules (12) as GPL software and others at payment, the cost depend on number of “client” and which modules you want to install, to start (or for home use) the Lite Package (free to download and use) is enough.
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Jun 282011

bashless it’s a fundamental command if you work on the Linux terminal.

Doing a “man less” you can see:

less - opposite of more

I love Gnu/Linux man pages, in this case it refer to more another command that do similar things (but less).

The Linux command less is similar to cat, but with less you can scroll the file instead of showing the file at once. With less command you can scroll up in the file as well as down, where with the Linux command more you can only scroll down the file.

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Jun 272011

imagination-logoIn one of the first articles of Linuxaria i’ve posted a complete how to in how to make a DVD slideshow with Linux and the main program to do this was Imagination, a software that i really like for his simplicity of use.

Imagination is a lightweight and simple DVD slide show maker for Linux and FreeBSD written in C language and built with the GTK+2 toolkit. Imagination has been designed from the ground up to be fast, light and easy-to-use. It requires the ffmpeg encoder to produce the movie file and libsox to handle the audio and nothing else, there are no other dependencies. Continue reading »

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Jun 262011

forkArticle by Santosh Sivaraj, originally published on fossix.org


The computer system is becoming a complex beast which cannot be tamed easily. In the new world the operating systems have become too big and complex for one to learn everything in depth. Most new aspiring system programmers do not have a picture of what is happening in a system when you type ./a.out. This article is an attempt to provide the picture and also the necessary details for a Linux newcomer to grasp so that he/she can refer to more detailed books for further learning. This article/paper is just a starter so when newcomers start with bigger books don’t get overwhelmed without knowing the natural flow of the Linux system.

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Jun 252011

autoscanSometime it’s useful to do an assessment of what’s online on your network, probably you think to know every server and service running, but I had more than one surprise in the past, with “test server just plugged in for a short time”, “New test service” or worst, hacked machine that exposed “new service”.

Network scanning is a procedure for identifying active hosts on a network, either for the purpose of attacking them or for network security assessment. Scanning procedures, such as ping sweeps and port scans, return information about which IP addresses map to live host and the active ports on every server. Continue reading »

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