Apr 062011

time managmentThis is a book i’ve just finished reading, and that i found really interesting.
The author is Thomas A. Limoncelli, a system administrator that had the great idea to put on a book his tricks to deal with every day small and big problem a system administrator has in his every day work about time management and interruptions.
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Apr 032011


Probably you have already saw these small black and white image in some sites or while walking around your city, or if you have a smartphone probably you have already used them; they are QR Code.

From Wikipedia: A QR code (short for Quick Response) is a specific matrix barcode
(or two-dimensional code), readable by dedicated QR barcode readers and camera phones.
The code consists of black modules arranged in a square pattern on a white background.
The information encoded can be text, URL or other data.

In this article we’ll see how to create these image in Linux and some uses of these images.

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Apr 022011

tux-terminal A new month is come and now is the time to see what were the most read articles of the month of February.

7) Using cut on linux terminal

Among the commands available from the linux terminal there’s also cut, very useful for processing strings and characters in general.

The cut command is one of the oldest Unix command. That means that it is more then 40 years old. And it shows. It is important to understand that this is a Unix command and behaves in “Unix way”.
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Apr 012011

rosenI came across by chance in what I consider one of the more comprehensive guide to creating audio in Linux, and Stefano gave me the permission to republish his material that I consider really good and that he uses as musician.

Stefano it’s an Ubuntu user and his guide it’s based on this distribution, he’s really active in the Ubuntu italian community, if you want to make him a question regarding his guide, you can post in this thread http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/index.php/topic,278719.0.html, the language of the forum is Italian, but i’m sure that you’ll get some answers also if you ask kindly in English.

You can find part 1 of this tutorial here and part 2 here

This is part 3, i plan to republish the last part in a few days.
The original article is in italian, you can send note about the Translation to me. Continue reading »

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Mar 312011

flux.imageWell, to be honest, the motto of f.lux is “better lighting for your computer”. That is, this software is based on studies that say that during the day is beneficial to have a blue based light, while it’s bad at night for your sleep pattern; at night it is better to have a more “hot” light, so a reddish-orange based brightness should be better, this is the work of f.lux, this program do a transition of the brightness of your screen depending on time of the day and your latitude.
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