Dec 282013

Article by Alessio bash, first published on his blog

Many security policies require you to change the port number of the SSH service to ensure greater security in a Linux system. Situation now used throughout the IT world and used mostly by users who have their own private server. Today I want to show you how to add another security layer without having to change the SSH port. To do this we’ll incorporate the famous Google Authenticator to our ssh service, in this way we’ll have a safe, two steps security, by entering our password and the combination given from the GA application. Let’s see how to do this… Continue reading »

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Dec 262013

This is the second part of my article on my favorite games released for Linux in 2013, this is the list of my personal top 10.

10 Knight of pen and paper +1
9 Shank 2
8 FTL – Faster than Light
7 Defender’s Quest – Valley of the Forgotten
6 Trine 2
5 Legend of Grimrock
4 Dungeons of Dredmor
3 Don’t Starve
2 Let 4 dead 2
1 Crusader Kings II

As you can see from this list I like strategy games and RPGs, but in this list there are also other genres, you will find a description of the games from position 10 to 6 in the first part of this article.

You can find all of these games on Steam, and most of them are available at a discounted price on The Humble Store, I suggest to take a look at both websites as in these days they are doing big sales on these titles with discounts from 25 up to 75% of the listed price.

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Dec 222013


A few months ago I switched from Gentoo to Arch Linux as Linux distribution on my PC at work, and at the moment I am very happy with this distribution, but there is to say it is not so easiest to use for newcomers to the Linux world and so they typically approaches the most popular and user friendly Ubuntu.

Yo I’m Not Pro or Yoimnotpro center is a simple app center that allows you to graphically install some of the most common and useful packages available for this excellent distribution in a more simple way and therefore can help to bring some more users to this excellent distribution.

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Dec 212013

This has been in my opinion the first real year, and hopefully this will continue, for gamers on Linux, this is due to a massive investment by Valve in bringing the Steam platform on Linux systems and their planned Steam OS, that will be based on Linux.

So in short, I’ve never seen so many different games (also if closed source) available for my Linux desktop, and this is my personal top 10 of the games that I’ve played this year.

10 Knight of pen and paper +1
9 Shank 2
8 FTL – Faster than Light
7 Defender’s Quest – Valley of the Forgotten
6 Trine 2
5 Legend of Grimrock
4 Dungeons of Dredmor
3 Don’t Starve
2 Let 4 dead 2
1 Crusader Kings II

As you can see from this list I like strategic and RPG games, but in this list there are also other genres, let’s take a closer look to each of them.
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Dec 172013


I was searching for lightweight collaboration suite (messaging and groupware) to manage some small websites and while searching around I found Citadel.

Citadel is a complete and feature-rich open source groupware platform.

  • Email, calendaring/scheduling, address books
  • Bulletin boards, mailing list server, instant messaging
  • Multiple domain support
  • An intuitive, attractive AJAX-style web interface

The Citadel system is extremely versatile. It provides numerous front ends to present to users, such as a text-based interface, an AJAX-style web interface, and many popular PIM clients using SMTP/POP/IMAP. All of these can be used simultaneously.

It’s also extremely scalable. Not only can a well-equipped Citadel server support a large number of concurrent users, but you can also build a distributed network of Citadel nodes that share rooms and their content.

Let’s see how to install and configure it on a Debian 7 “wheezy”, most of this guide it’s based on the great linode guide wrote for debian 6.
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